Revenue Tab
Use this tab to establish the settings for the revenue component of your projects.
Field | Description |
Default Revenue Posting By | Select one of these options to be the default revenue posting method. You can override this default on a project-by-project basis on the Manage Revenue Information screen.
Allow Revenue to Exceed | Use this drop-down list to select the method by which you want to recognize any excess revenue. After you make your selection, you must not modify it because it affects all projects on a company-wide basis.
You originally specified on the Manage Revenue Information screen whether or not you wanted to allow revenue to exceed value and by how much it can be exceeded by project. In addition, you also specified the revenue ceiling on the Manage Total Ceilings screen. Valid options are:
Calculate Unit Pricing Based on | Select either of these options:
Calculate PO Commitments | Use this drop-down list to select the default commitments calculation method. This method is the default on the Compute/Print Purchasing Commitments screen. Valid options are:
T&M Rate Sequence Search for PLC Source Project | Use this drop-down list to select the method that the Load Labor Rates process uses to search for project labor category (PLC) rates. Valid options are:
Restrict Revenue for Closed and N/A Periods | Select this check box to prevent users from entering revenue adjustments or computing revenue for a
Not Available or
Closed fiscal year/period combination. Users who attempt to enter a revenue adjustment (on the Manage Revenue Information screen) or compute revenue for a
Not Available or
Closed fiscal year/period combination receive an error message. This check box is selected by default.
Users that receive the error can either select another fiscal year/period combination or change the status of the fiscal year/period combination to Open in the General Ledger and then enter the revenue adjustment or compute revenue. |
Allow Use of Previously-Stored Revenue Calculation Values for Compute Revenue | Select this check box to allow use of previously stored revenue calculation values in computing revenue. If you select this check box, the Use Previously-Stored Revenue Calculation Values check box on the Compute Revenue screen becomes visible and enabled. If you select the check box in Compute Revenue, you will be able to compute revenue in a given period using the same revenue calculation values that were used when revenue was last computed for the selected project, fiscal year, and/or period. |
Track Revenue Setup Information on Compute Revenue | Select this check box to track revenue setup information in the Compute Revenue application. When you select this check box, audit table information will be stored every time Compute Revenue is run.
Costpoint populates the log tables when Compute Revenue is run, capturing the revenue setup data that was used to compute revenue, by project ID, fiscal year, and period. If this check box is selected and you run Compute Revenue again for the same project ID, fiscal year, and period, the data in the audit tables will be replaced with the values for the most recent run of Compute Revenue. |
ITDCPFC - Other Fee on Revenue Level |
Select this checkbox to allow calculation of ITD fees on cost at the revenue level without having the Other Fee values pushed to transaction levels, some of which may be on account/organization combinations that are no longer active. Since Other Fee is entered only at the revenue level, any inactive account/organization combinations you have in lower levels will not show activity in the current period. For new projects, the value of this checkbox defaults to the ITDCPFC - Other Fee on Revenue Level checkbox on the Manage Revenue Information screen, but you can change it by project in Manage Revenue Information. |
Adjustment Periods
Field | Description |
Allow Revenue Posting in Adjustment Periods | Select this check box to allow revenue posting in adjustment periods. If you select this check box, the Post Revenue application will allow posting of revenue in adjustment periods. If you do not select this check box, you will not be able to post revenue in adjustment periods, but the journal will still be printed. |
Allow Adjustment Period Revenue Computation & Posting in Subsequent Fiscal Years | Select this check box to allow computation and posting of prior year adjustment period revenue in a subsequent fiscal year. |
Update Prior Year History Defaults for Adjustment Periods | Use this drop-down list to select the option for including the adjustment period data when you run the Update Prior Year History application. Valid options are:
Allow this default to be changed in Update process | Select this check box to allow the default value to be overridden on the Update Prior Year History screen. |