Step 6: Compute Burden Costs
You must complete this step before you can print any Project Summary Reports and before you can compute revenue.
The Compute Burden Costs screen updates the project tables with costs posted to the G/L and applies the actual and target rates from the Pool Rates subtask of the Manage Cost Pools screen to current period, period-to-date, and year-to-date direct costs. It also applies cost of money rates.
The direct costs and hours from the G/L and the burden cost (actual and target) are stored in the PROJ_SUM and PROJ_BURD_SUM tables for use in the revenue computation, and for reporting on the Project Summary Report and Project Cost Summary Report. Note that the revenue computation does NOT look at the costs in the G/L — it only uses the costs that were found and burdened by the Compute Burden Costs program. To obtain accurate revenue and cost information, run this process after posting all costs for the period to the General Ledger. If any entries are made to the general ledger after the Compute Burden Costs process has been completed, rerun the Compute Burden Costs process.