Result Set Rights by Application Subtask

Use the fields in this subtask to assign access rights to a user in one or more Costpoint result sets within an application.


You may, for example, have given a user full rights to a specific application (such as APMCASH - Manage Cash Accounts, but want to assign no rights to one or more result sets within that application (such as APMCASH_DFLTCASHACCTS_HDR).

Note: You cannot assign No Rights at a higher level and then assign Read Rights, Update Rights, Insert Rights, or Delete Rights at a lower level.)

Use this subtask whenever you want to assign result set rights by application to one or more specific user groups.

Field Description

This field displays the identification code of the application to which the list of result sets in the table window belongs.


This field displays the descriptive name for this Application.

Table Window

Use this table window to assign rights to result sets associated with the selected application. You can add result sets to this table window when you click .

Field Description
Result Set

Use this field to enter, or click to select, the identification code of the result set for which you want to assign rights.


This field displays the name associated with the Result Set field in this row.

No Rights

Select this check box to assign no rights to the user to this result set.

Read Rights

Select this check box to assign the user the rights to read this result set.

Update Rights

Select this check box to assign the user rights to update this result set.

Insert Rights

Select this check box to assign the user the rights to insert into this result set.

Delete Rights

Select this check box to assign the user rights to delete this result set.


Subtask Description
Action Rights Click this link to open the Action Rights subtask and assign Deny Rights or Execute Rights to a user to one or more Costpoint actions/processes within the result set. You may, for example, have given a user update, insert, and/or delete rights to a specific result set within an application, but want to assign or withhold execute rights to a specific action/process within that result set. (You cannot assign Deny Rights at a higher level and then assign Execute Rights at a lower level.)
Report Rights Click this link to open the Report Rights subtask and assign Deny Rights or Execute Rights to a user to one or more Costpoint reports within the result set. You may, for example, have given a user update, insert, and/or delete rights to a specific result set within an application, but want to assign or withhold execute rights to a specific report within that result set. (You cannot assign Deny Rights at a higher level and then assign Execute Rights at a lower level.)
Application Result Set Links Click this link to open the Application Result Set Links subtask and determine which application(s) the result set is used in. The result set can be used in one or more applications.