Incurred Cost Submission Reports

This folder stores reports to aid in preparing Incurred Cost Submission forms and is intended for use by accounting staff.

The "Allowable Cost and Payment" clause (FAR 52.216-7) requires that companies prepare a proposal to include supporting data within six months after the end of its fiscal year.

This proposal is called an Incurred Cost Submission (ICS). FAR 42.705-1 refers companies to the “Model Incurred Cost Proposal” in Chapter 6 of the DCAAP 7641.90 for guidance on what is included in the final indirect cost rate proposal and supporting data. DCAA requests that companies include an index with their Incurred Cost Submission proposal. If certain schedules are not applicable, the company should note that on the index.

To assist companies in meeting this requirement, Incurred Cost Submission reports can be created from data in Costpoint. These reports assume that the user properly assigns the Incurred Cost Submission codes on the Government Information screen in Costpoint. Proper and accurate setup of pools is also assumed.

There are 28 schedules that may be included in an Incurred Cost Submission. Of those, 10 are optional and are included at the discretion of the company.

Note: In this guide, the words report and schedule are used interchangeably.

This guide covers 13 required schedules that can be derived from Costpoint data normally stored and available in Costpoint. These reports were developed for a baseline Costpoint implementation without consideration of a company’s specific implementation. Within this document, you will find information about the reports that are available to assist with producing the Incurred Cost Submission schedules. Information includes report descriptions, Costpoint tables used, and user prompts for collecting information for tailoring the report. A sample screen shot for each report is also included.

Use this document as a guideline for understanding the tables that data is drawn from for each report.

Note: All ICS reports should be run once a year after all the final costs have been captured for your company and you have closed the company’s financials for a given year. These reports are meant to assist in the year-end reporting due to requirements of the DCAA and other similar agencies and are not designed to tie out the pools exclusively. The information in these reports may not be comprehensive, but they can be used as starting points or templates for your custom reports.
The contents in this report folder are available to the following user groups:
  • Accounting Data Entry
  • Accounting Administrator
  • Administrator