Contents of the Notification Text Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Notification Text screen.


Field Description
From the drop-down list, select the report for which the email will be generated. Options include:
  • Expense: Workflow Events
  • Timesheet: Break Check
  • Timesheet: Daily Floor Check
  • Timesheet: Line Level Approval
  • Timesheet: Reminders
  • Timesheet: Status
  • Timesheet: Workflow Events

This field displays the types of emails available for the selected report.

The available options depend on the value selected from Source. If there is only one option it displays by default and the field is not editable.

If there is more than one option available, select the reason the email will be generated (for example, a timesheet has a status of Missing, Opened, Rejected, Signed, or Failed)

Section From the drop-down list, select either Subject or Body, depending on whether you want to add custom text to that part of the message.

From the drop-down list, select the role that will receive the message.


Field Description

This area is non-editable and shows the default text that will display in either the subject line or body, depending on what is presently selected.


Depending on what is presently selected from Section (for example, Subject or Body), enter any custom text that should display in either the subject or body section of the message. When this field contains content, it is sent instead of the default text.