Contributions Subtask

Use this subtask to view the detail related to contributions amounts for the selected payroll record.


Field Description

This field displays the ID of the employee whose record you are viewing. These fields display from the header on the main screen.  

Pay Cycle

This field displays the pay cycle that has been processed for this record. This field displays from the header on the main screen.

Pay Cycle End Date

This field displays the end date for the pay cycle that has been processed for this record. This displays from the header on the main screen.

Record Type

This field displays the check type that has been processed for this record. This field displays from the header on the main screen. The check types are:

  • R: Regular
  • B: Bonus
  • V: Voided
  • W: Represents the positive values of a replacement check
  • X: Can be used any time you want to generate a paycheck without first entering a timesheet
Taxable Entity

This field displays the taxable entity to which the employee is assigned at the time of entry for this record. This field displays from the header on the main screen.

Table Window

Field Description

The Contributions table is populated when payroll is posted and records from the Manage Payroll Records screen are transferred to the earning tables. Contribution records were either based on the contribution codes assigned to the employee on the Manage Employee Contribution screen or based on the union fringe codes applicable to the employee's union. Contribution records may be manually entered in this screen, but it is important to remember that any edits made in the Manage Employee Earnings History screen will not affect the general ledger


The description for the selected contribution (deduction) code is displayed.


This column displays the contribution or union non-cash fringe amount. Contribution amounts are based on the computation rules specified on the Manage Employee Contributions screen. The contribution amount may be edited here, but it is important to remember that any edits made on the Manage Employee Earnings History screen will not affect the general ledger.

Union non-cash fringe amounts are based on the rules established on the Manage Union Profile screen. Union non-cash fringe amounts cannot be edited.

Stamps Earned

This column displays the union stamps earned for the specified fringe (contribution) code. This column will only be visible if the Enable union functionality checkbox is selected on the Configure Labor Settings screen. Union stamp fringes are calculated by the Compute Payroll process then posted to the earnings history table when Post Payroll is run. Calculation rules are established on the Manage Union Profiles screen. This field cannot be edited.

Contribution Type

This field displays the type of contribution. Possible options are:

  • CONTRIBUTION: This indicates the record represents a non-union employer contribution
  • UNIONNONCASH: This indicates the record was generated for a non-cash union fringe, based on the calculation rules established on the Manage Union Profile screen. Union non-cash fringe records cannot be manually added and the amounts cannot be edited.
  • UNIONSTAMP: This indicates the record was generated for a union stamp fringe, based on the calculation rules established on the Manage Union Profile screen. Union stamp records cannot be manually added and the amounts cannot be edited.


Subtask Description
YTD Info Click this link to view a non-editable screen that displays the YTD summary of the amounts for contribution the entire calendar year of the given paycheck date. The total YTD contribution amount is displayed along with a breakdown by contribution code.