Creation of the Report Table
Before printing the Unbilled Receivable Analysis Report, you must create a report table.
This report table, which pulls together all of the information required for the report, must include any project that is printed on the report. Therefore, if a project is to appear on the report, you must select it in the creation process.
The best time to create and print the Unbilled Receivable Analysis Report is immediately after you complete your billing cycle. Create and print the report for the previous period. This previous period contains the transactions that were just billed in the recently completed billing process. It also contains revenue for the previous period.
For example, if the period ended March 31 and the billing process ended April 14, you would execute the Create process for the period ended March 31 as soon as possible after April 14.
By processing your unbilled report information in this fashion, you can capture the ending unbilled balance for a specific period. You can then identify the amount of the unbilled balance that was subsequently billed in the next billing cycle.
After selecting the projects and the ending period, select the ending period for the subsequent billings. As noted previously, the bills that have been posted after the ending period selected are considered "Subsequent Billings." To include only those subsequent billings that have been posted up to a certain period, enter a valid fiscal year/period. This combination must be later than the ending period selected. Creating the report table in this way also results in the most accurate data for the Unbilled Reason Code Report.