Update Header History Tables
Next, Costpoint updates the header history tables.
The following tables are updated by each billing posting:
Posting Screen | Table |
Post Standard Bills | BILL_INVC_HDR_HS |
Post Project Product Bills | PROJ_PROD_HDR_HS |
Post Manual Bills | MANUAL BILL_HS |
Post Milestone/Percent Complete Bills | MILESTONE_HDR_HS |
Post Progress Payment Bills | PRG_PMT_HDR_HS |
The invoice header in each type of billing is copied to the respective header history table. When you post standard bills, Costpoint creates a record in the invoice header history table for the project level to which the bills are posted and any detail levels that are listed on the Detail Levels subtask of the Manage Project Billing Information screen. For all the manual bill types, only one record is inserted to the header history tables.
Flexibility to reprint summary and detail exists in the event that invoices are posted before invoices are printed. To allow this flexibility of printing detail billings, a record exists in the Billing Edit Invoice Header table at the invoice posting level, and at the required detail level.
Only records at the invoice posting level are copied to the Billing Invoice Header History table, if the billing is a manual billing or no detail bills are required.
Each record is assigned a supporting schedule number in the Billing Invoice Header History. This number is also stored in the Billing Detail History. If you need to recreate invoices, Costpoint uses this field to link the header record to the detail that was billed on a given project and invoice.