Use this subtask to establish the Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) calculation method for your project. You can select from 11 COGS calculation methods.
You can create a COGS entry for work-in-process projects using the Create Cost of Goods Sold Entries screen. That entry is created using the calculation method and other variables that are set up in this subtask. Work-in-process projects are used when the project’s costs are capitalized on the balance sheet and portions of the capitalized costs are periodically transferred to the income statement using one of the calculation methods in the screen. Enter data in this subtask only if the selection in the
Project Classification field on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow is
Work In Process or
Common Inv.
You must ensure that any COGS setup made at this level of a project coincides with the setup of account numbers that have a function code of
Cost Goods Sold and
WIP Trans Out in the project’s account group. COGS are posted at the level of a project where the formula resides, and account numbers and related function codes must be available for that posting at the same level. You cannot enter data in this subtask unless accounts with the function codes of
Cost Goods Sold and
WIP Trans Out were set up for the project. Failure to do so results in an error message during the Create Cost of Goods Sold Entries process. You can review the accounts and their related function codes on the Manage Project Account Groups screen. The account group for the project is assigned in the
Account Group field on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow.
For additional information on this subtask, and on Work in Process projects in general, please refer to "Work in Process."
Use this subtask during the initialization of a project, whenever a Cost of Goods Sold calculation is required. Additional maintenance of the data in this subtask is required only when one of the variables changes.
This subtask is also available as a standalone application: Manage Cost of Goods Sold.
Cost of Goods Sold Details
Field | Description |
Calculation Method
Use this drop-down list to select one of the methods for calculating COGS. Valid options are:
- Billed Amount & Estimate at Completion: Use this calculation method to base the COGS entry on billed amounts and the estimated costs at completion. You must have an estimate of the inception-to-date loss expected and the total estimated cost at completion in order to use this method. Update these values each time you compute the COGS entry. The Create Cost of Goods Sold Entries screen uses the amount in the
Estimated Costs (EAC) field and subtracts the amount in the
ITD Loss Recognized field, and the result is divided by the amount in the
Estimated Total Value field to arrive at the cost percent. The cost percent is multiplied by the amount in the ITD
Amount Billed field (from the Manage Project Bill Summary screen) to arrive at COGS Before Loss. Then it adds the COGS Before Loss to the
ITD Loss Recognized
to arrive at ITD COGS. The ITD COGS amount is compared to the ITD COGS amount that has been previously posted to the General Ledger. The previously posted ITD COGS transfer amount is found by selecting the balance in the GL_POST_SUM table, including period 0, of the account that has a function code of
WIP TRANS OUT in the project’s account group. The difference between these amounts becomes the basis for the journal entry.
- Billed Amount, Estimate at Completion Less G&A: Use this calculation method to base the COGS entry on billed amounts and the estimated costs at completion, minus G&A. The Create Cost of Goods Sold Entries screen sums the YTD billed transactions, excluding G&A pools, from BILLING_DETL_HIST and sums the prior year billed transactions, excluding G&A pools, from BILLING_SUM to get the ITD billed amount. It subtracts the amount in the
ITD Loss Recognized field from the
Estimated Costs (EAC) field and divides the result by the amount in the
Estimated Total Value field to arrive at the cost percent. It multiplies the cost percent by the ITD billed amount and then adds back the
ITD Loss Recognized. It compares this amount to the balance in the account that has a function code of
WIP TRANS OUT in the project’s account group. The difference is the amount to post.
- Billed Amount & Estimate to Complete: Use this calculation method to base the COGS calculation on the estimated costs to complete and the inception-to-date billed amount. You must have an estimate of the costs to complete the project in order to use this calculation method. The Create Cost of Goods Sold Entries process adds the amount in the
Estimated Costs (ETC) field to WIP costs incurred on the project to arrive at Total Costs at Completion. The amount in the ITD Loss Recognized field is subtracted from the Total Costs at Completion and the result is divided by the amount in the
Estimated Total Value field to arrive at the cost percent. The cost percent is multiplied by the ITD
Amount Billed field on the Manage Project Bill Summary screen to arrive at COGS Before Loss. The COGS Before Loss amount is added to the amount in the ITD Loss Recognized field to arrive at the inception-to-date COGS amount. The ITD COGS amount is compared to the ITD COGS amount that has been previously posted to the General Ledger. The previously posted ITD COGS transfer amount is found by selecting the balance in the GL_POST_SUM table, including period 0, of the account that has a function code of
WIP TRANS OUT in the project’s account group. The difference between these amounts becomes the basis for the journal entry.
- Delivery Amount & Estimate at Completion: Use this calculation method to base the COGS computation on the estimate at completion and the delivery amount. You must have an estimate of the costs at completion and the estimated loss. You must also have delivery amounts that have been billed and posted. This method is usually selected by projects that bill using progress payments. The Create Cost of Goods Sold Entries screen subtracts the amount in the
ITD Loss Recognized field from the amount in the
Estimated Costs (EAC) field and divides the result by the amount in the Estimated Total Value field to arrive at the cost percent. The cost percent is multiplied by the amount in the ITD
Delivery Amount field on the Manage Project Bill Summary screen to arrive at COGS Before Loss. The COGS Before Loss amount is added to the amount in the
ITD Loss Recognized field to arrive at ITD COGS. The ITD COGS amount is compared to the ITD COGS amount that has been previously posted to the General Ledger. The previously posted ITD COGS transfer amount is found by selecting the balance in the GL_POST_SUM table, including period 0, of the account that has a function code of
WIP TRANS OUT in the project’s account group. The difference between these amounts becomes the basis for the journal entry.
- Delivery Amount & Estimate to Complete: Use this calculation method to base the COGS computation on estimated costs to complete and the ITD delivery amount. The Create Cost of Goods Sold Entries screen adds the amount in the Estimated Costs
(ETC) field and WIP costs to arrive at Total Estimated Costs at Completion. The amount in the
ITD Loss Recognized field is subtracted from the Total Estimated Costs at Completion and divides the result by the amount in the
Estimated Total Value field to arrive at the cost percent. The cost percent is multiplied by the amount in the ITD
Delivery Amount field on the Manage Project Bill Summary screen to arrive at ITD COGS Before Loss. It adds the COGS Before Loss to the amount in the
ITD Loss Recognized field to arrive at ITD COGS. The ITD COGS amount is compared to the ITD COGS amount that has been previously posted to the General Ledger. The previously posted ITD COGS transfer amount is found by selecting the balance in the GL_POST_SUM table, including period 0, of the account that has a function code of
WIP TRANS OUT in the project’s account group. The difference between these amounts becomes the basis for the journal entry.
- Percent of Costs: Use this calculation method to use the amount in the
Estimated Costs field times a percent to calculate the COGS transfer amount. You must have an estimated total cost of the project in order to use this method. The
Estimated Costs field is manually entered and there is no automatic calculation for this field. Enter the percentage that you want to use for this calculation in the
Percent of Estimated Cost field.
- Fixed Monthly Amount: Use this calculation method to use the same amount each month to create the COGS transfer. This is the easiest method to maintain. Enter the amount you want to use for the COGS transfer in the
Fixed Monthly Amount field.
- Revenue Greater Than Zero: Use this calculation method to transfer the ITD WIP costs each month if the revenue for the project is greater than zero. If the revenue is equal to zero, no JE is generated. If the amount is greater than zero, the total WIP costs are used as the ITD COGS amount. Costpoint subtracts the ITD WIP TRANS OUT amount from the total calculated WIP costs for each period to arrive at the COGS transfer for the period.
- Revenue Greater Than Zero Less G&A: Use this calculation method to transfer the ITD WIP costs each month if the revenue for the project is greater than zero, but exclude G&A pools. The Create Cost of Goods Sold Entries screen sums YTD revenue from PROJ_SUM and prior year revenue from PSR_PY_SUM. If the total is greater than zero, it sums the YTD burden amounts, excluding all G&A pools, from PROJ_BURD_SUM and adds the direct costs from PROJ_SUM. It then sums the prior year burden amounts from PSR_PY_BURD_SUM, excluding all G&A pools, and adds the direct costs from PSR_PY_SUM. (The calculation includes only function codes of
LABOR (2),
UNITS (13). You can select function codes on the Manage Project Account Groups screen.) This is the ITD Cost of Goods Sold amount. The application compares this amount to the balance in the account that has a function code of
WIP TRANS OUT in the project’s account group. The difference is the amount to post.
- Percent of ITD Revenue: Use this formula to calculate the COGS transfer amount using a percentage of the Inception-to-Date (ITD) revenue. The Create Cost of Goods Sold Entries screen derives the YTD revenue at target or actual, depending on the selected rate type (Actual or
Target) in the
Select Rate Type group box of the Create Cost of Goods Sold Entries screen, by selecting the TOT_REV_ACT_AMT or TOT_REV_TGT_AMT columns from the PROJ_SUM table. The process includes all rows in the PROJ_SUM table up to and including the fiscal year/period entered on the Create Cost of Goods Sold Entries screen. This amount is added to the amount in the
Total Revenue field of the Manage Prior Year Cost and Revenue screen for all fiscal years prior to the fiscal year entered on the Create Cost of Goods Sold Entries. The resulting amount is the ITD revenue. The ITD revenue amount is then multiplied by the percentage in the Percent of Revenue field to produce the ITD COGS transfer amount. The ITD COGS transfer that was posted is subtracted from the ITD COGS transfer amount to produce the amount of COGS transfer to include in the current posting. The previously posted ITD COGS transfer amount is found by selecting the balance in the GL_POST_SUM table, including period 0, of the account that has a function code of
WIP TRANS OUT in the project’s account group.
- Percent of Current Year Revenue: Use this formula to calculate the COGS transfer amount using a percentage of the Year-to-Date (YTD) revenue. The Create Cost of Goods Sold Entries screen derives the year-to-date (YTD) revenue at target or actual, depending on the rate type (Actual or
Target) in the
Select Rate Type group box on the Create Cost of Goods Sold Entries screen, by selecting the TOT_REV_ACT_AMT or TOT_REV_TGT_AMT columns from the PROJ_SUM table. The process includes all rows in the PROJ_SUM table up to and including the fiscal year/period entered on the Create Cost of Goods Sold Entries screen. The YTD revenue amount is then multiplied by the
Percent of Revenue field to produce the YTD COGS transfer amount. The YTD COGS transfer that was posted is subtracted from the calculated YTD COGS transfer amount to produce the amount of COGS transfer to include in the current posting. The previously posted YTD COGS transfer amount is found by selecting the balance in the GL_POST_SUM table, excluding period 0, of the account that has a function code of
WIP TRANS OUT in the project’s account group.
Basis for COGS Transfer
Use the fields in this group box to enter information used in the calculation of the COGS transfer.
Field | Description |
Estimated Total Value
Use this field to enter the estimated total value of the project. You must enter an amount in this field if you are using the
Billed Amount, Estimate at Completion, the
Billed Amount, Estimate to Complete, the
Delivery Amount, Estimate at Completion, or the
Delivery Amount, Estimate to Complete COGS calculation method. Costpoint assumes that you want the estimated total value to equal the total modifications entered for the project and automatically updates this field with all new modifications if you enter the same total value amount that is displayed in the Project Values table. Costpoint does not perform this automatic update if you enter an amount that is different from the total values amount in the Project Values table and you must manually update this field whenever you enter a new modification.
Estimated Costs
Use this field to enter the total estimated costs of the project. You must enter an amount in this field if you are using the
Billed Amount, Estimate at Completion, the
Billed Amount, Estimate to Complete, the
Delivery Amount, Estimate at Completion, the
Delivery Amount, Estimate to Complete, or the
Percent of Costs COGS calculation method.
ITD Loss Recognized
Use this field to enter the ITD loss recognized for the project. You must enter an amount in this field if you are using the
Billed Amount, Estimate at Completion, the
Billed Amount, Estimate to Complete, the
Delivery Amount, Estimate at Completion, or the
Delivery Amount, Estimate to Complete COGS calculation method. This amount is used to calculate the COGS transfer when a loss is to be recognized up-front, instead of being pro-rated throughout the life of the project. This field is not required.
Fixed Monthly Amount
Use this field to enter the fixed monthly amount that you want to use for the COGS transfer each month. This field is available only when you have selected the
Fixed Monthly Amount calculation method.
Percent of Estimated Cost/Percent of Revenue
Use this field to enter the percent of estimated costs or percent of revenue to be used for the COGS calculation. This field is available only when you select the
Percent of Costs,
Percent of ITD Revenue, or
Percent of Current Year Revenue calculation method.
Note: The title of this field varies according to the calculation method. If you select the
Percent of Costs Calculation Method, this field is titled
Percent of Estimated Cost. If the
Calculation Method is
Percent of ITD Revenue or
Percent of Current Year Revenue, it is titled
Percent of Revenue.
Project Values
Use the fields in this group box to view the original contract costs, fee and total value, the modified contract costs, fee, and total value, and the total contract costs, fee, and total value.
Field | Description |
Original Contract Costs
This non-editable field displays the contract cost value entered on the Mods subtask for mod ID number "0000."
Original Contract Fee
This non-editable field displays the contract fee value entered on the Mods subtask for mod ID number "0000."
Original Contract Total
This non-editable field displays the total contract value entered on the Mods subtask for mod ID number "0000."
Modified Contract Costs
This non-editable field displays the contract cost value entered on the Mods subtask for mod ID numbers greater than "0000."
Modified Contract Fee
This non-editable field displays the contract fee value entered on the Mods subtask for mod ID numbers greater than "0000."
Modified Contract Total
This non-editable field displays the total contract value entered in the Mods subtask for mod ID numbers greater than "0000."
Total Contract Costs
This non-editable field displays the sum of the contract cost value entered on the Mods subtask for all mod IDs.
Total Contract Fee
This non-editable field displays the sum of the contract fee value entered on the Mods subtask for all mod IDs.
Total Contract Total
This non-editable field displays the total contract value entered on the Mods subtask for all mod IDs. It is the sum of the total value for Original and Modifications.
Set Defaults
Click this button to load the project's contract value from the Mods subtask.