Calculating Retroactive Billings
For cost-reimbursable projects, select the Indirect Costs option on the Calculate Retroactive Billings screen.
Also, enter the period that is referenced on the Pool Rates subtask of the Manage Cost Pools screen to obtain the provisional indirect rates that should be used. The starting and ending periods that are to be calculated for the retroactive bill are not applicable if you select the Indirect Costs option (unless Apply Burdening based on is Current Period Rates on the Corporate Settings subtask of the Configure Project Settings screen). The entire fiscal year is subject to the retroactive calculation for the cost pools that have changed. If the retroactive billing period involves an earlier fiscal year, that year must be calculated separately. Costpoint multiplies the posted cost or hours (for hours-based pools) transactions from the Manage Closed Billing Detail screen (BILLING_DETL_HIST) by the new provisional rates to arrive at new burden transactions. It then subtracts burden transactions from BILLING_DETL_HIST from the new burden transactions to arrive at the retroactive amounts. The Manage Billing History screen (BILLING_SUM) is referenced to provide the new cumulative amounts. Note that all calculations for fees, retainages, and ceilings are completed for retroactive billings.
For loaded labor rate modifications, you must select the Loaded Labor Rates option on the Calculate Retroactive Billings screen. With this option, you can designate the starting and ending periods that you want calculated. The selected period range refers to the period in which the labor hours were originally posted. With loaded labor rate projects, you can span more than one fiscal year in the retroactive calculation. For the periods subject to the retroactive billing, you must execute the Load Labor Rates screen for each period, one period at a time. This process updates the Labor History table (LAB_HS) with the revised billing rates for the periods that require retroactive billing. As does the Indirect Costs option, retroactive Loaded Labor Rate bills use the Posted Closed Billing Detail screen (BILLING_DETL_HIST) to obtain the posted labor transactions. The labor history table is used to obtain the new loaded labor rate; BILLING_SUM (the Manage Billing History screen) is used to calculate the cumulative amounts. Note that all calculations for fees, retainages, and ceilings are completed for this type of retroactive billing, as well. If a loaded labor rate project includes indirect costs applied to non-labor amounts, you should use the Indirect Costs calculation method. Costpoint calculates this portion of the retroactive bill using the same method described in the cost-reimbursable section in the previous paragraph.
Costpoint generates retroactive bills using transactions from the history tables (BILLING_DETL_HIST) only. The retroactive billing calculations do not reference the Manage Open Billing Detail screen (OPEN_BILLING_DETL). Therefore, retroactive bills contain only transactions that have been billed and posted to history. They do not contain current transactions that have not been previously billed. You can bill current transactions in a separate calculation after posting the retroactive bill. For loaded labor rate projects, the result is an invoice with no hours and only the dollar differential on the bill. For cost-reimbursable projects, the difference appears in the indirect cost billing lines. Any effect on the fees, retainages, and over-ceiling lines displays on the applicable lines.