Input File

This section describes the details of the format for the input file rows.

Input File Excel Template

Go to the Developer Resources page of the Costpoint Information Center to download the Excel template file specifically designed for this preprocessor. Templates for other Costpoint preprocessors are also available at the same location.

Requisition Header Record

Field Costpoint Column Name Type Length Required Format
Record Type Varchar 2 Y RH
Requisition RQ_ID Varchar 10 Y
Requisitioner RQST_EMPL_ID Varchar 12 Y
Requisition Date RQ_DT Date N Value must be a valid date format YYYY-MM-DD.
Requisition Approval Process RQ_APPR_PROC_CD Varchar 8 N Required if Requisition Settings Approval Level = Requisition, Approval Process Assignment is Manual, but default Approval Process has not been assigned. (RQ_SETTINGS.S_APPRVL_LVL_CD = R, S_APPR_PROC_ASG_CD = M, RQ_APP_PROC_CD = NULL).
Requisition Status S_RQ_STATUS_CD Varchar 1 N Required if RQ_SETTINGS. S_APPRVL_LVL_CD = R for user’s COMPANY_ID.  Valid entries are "P" (Pending), "I" (In-approval -- to submit for approval) and "V" (Void -- to void an existing requisition and all lines).
Transaction Currency TRN_CRNCY_CD Varchar N If not entered for new record, it will be assumed to be the same as functional currency.

A value should not be entered if multicurrency is not used in order to avoid validation errors.

Rate Group RATE_GRP_ID Varchar 6 N A value should not be entered if multicurrency is not used in order to avoid validation errors.
Rate Date Date N Value must be a valid date format YYYY-MM-DD.
Requisitioner Org RQST_ORG_ID Varchar 20 N Field is required if Org Security is ON for Procurement Planning.

Load default Requisitioner's Org if field is blank in the input file.

Requisitioner Phone RQST_PHONE_ID Varchar 20 N
Requisitioner Phone Extn RQST_PHONE_EXT_CD Varchar 6 N
Target Place Date TGT_PLACE_DT Date N Value must be a valid date format YYYY-MM-DD.
Date Entered ENTR_DTT Date N Value must be a valid date format YYYY-MM-DD.
Buyer BUYER_ID Varchar 12 N Value will be used only if RqSettings Buyer Assignment is Manual.
Buyer Assignment Date BUYER_ASSIGN_DT Date N Value must be a valid date format YYYY-MM-DD.
Procurement Type PROCURE_TYPE_CD Varchar 2 N If entered, must be valid value on Manage Procurement Types screen.
Over Budget Validation Required OVR_BUD_FL Varchar 1 N Valid values are 'Y' (Yes), 'N' (No) and 'R' (Released). Default value is from the Configure Requisition if no value is entered in the input file.
Project PROJ_ID Varchar 30 N If entered, must be a valid and active project on Manage Project User Flow screen.
Combine with other Reqs COMBINE_RQ_FL Varchar 1 N Valid values are 'Y' (Yes) and 'N' (No).  Default value is from the Configure Requisition  if no value is entered in the input file.
GSA Flag GSA_FL Varchar 1 N Valid values are 'Y' (Yes) and 'N' (No).  Default value is 'N'  if no value is entered in the input file.
Requisition Notes RQ_NOTES Varchar 254 N
Subcontractor Agreement Flag SUBC_AGR_FL Varchar 1 N Valid values are 'Y' (Yes) and 'N' (No).  If no value is entered, this field is set to null.
US Citizenship Required US_CITIZEN_FL Varchar 1 N Applies only if Subcontractor Agreement Flag = Y.  Else, null.
ITAR Authorization Required ITAR_AUTH_FL Varchar 1 N Applies only if Subcontractor Agreement Flag = Y.  Else, null.
Security Clearance System ID SEC_CLR_CD Varchar 6 N Applies only if Subcontractor Agreement Flag = Y.  Else, null.
Issuing Agency AGENCY_NAME Varchar 30 N Applies only if Subcontractor Agreement Flag = Y.  Else, null.
Subcontract ID SUBCNTR_ID Varchar 30 N

Requisition Header Text Record

Field Costpoint Column Name Type Length Required Format
Record Type Varchar 2 Y HT
Requisition RQ_ID Varchar 10 Y
Sequence Number SEQ_NO Numeric 4 Y
Text Code TEXT_CD Varchar 10 Y
Text Revision TXT_CD_RVSN_NO Numeric 5 N

Requisition Line Record

Field Costpoint Column Name Type Length Required Format
Record Type Varchar 2 Y RL
Requisition RQ_ID Varchar 10 Y
Requisition Line RQ_LN_NO Numeric 4 Y
Requisition Date RQ_DT Dat Y Value must be a valid date format YYYY-MM-DD.
Item ITEM_ID Varchar 50 N For fixed length file format, limit to 30 characters. For delimited file format, increase field size to 50
Rev ITEM_RVSN_ID Varchar 10 N For fixed length file format, limit to 3 characters. For delimited file format, increase field size to 10
Requisition Line Description RQ_LN_DESC Varchar 60 N
Misc Type MISC_LN_CHG_TYPE Varchar 6 N
Line Status S_RQ_STATUS_CD Varchar 1 N Required if RQ_SETTINGS. S_APPRVL_LVL_CD = L for user’s COMPANY_ID.  Valid entries are "P" (Pending), "I" In-approval -- to submit for approval) and "V" (Void -- to void an existing requisition line).
Quantity RQSTD_QTY Decimal 14,4 N
Requisition U/M RQ_LN_UM_CD Varchar 3 N If entered, must be a valid unit of measure in the Manage Units of Measure screen.
Est Cost Type RQ_EST_CST_TYPE_CD Varchar 2 N If entered, must be a valid cost type in the Manage Purchase Requisition Cost Types screen.
Est Unit Cost (Trans) TRN_NET_UNIT_AMT Decimal 14,4 N
Est Ext Cost Amt (Trans) TRN_RQ_LN_EXT_AMT Decimal 14,2 N Required if Quantity is not entered.
Taxable Flag TAXABLE_FL Varchar 1 N Valid values are 'Y' (Yes) and 'N' (No).  
Ship ID SHIP_ID Varchar 20 N Required if item entered is a Part, Good or if Taxable = "Y".

Value must be an valid and active Ship id in the SHIP_ID table for the user's company ID.

Warehouse WHSE_ID Varchar 8 N If entered, value must be valid and active  in the Manage Warehouse screen for the user's company ID.
Ship Via SHIP_VIA_FLD Varchar 15 N
Drop Ship DROP_SHIP_FL Varchar 1 N Valid values are 'Y' (Yes) and 'N' (No).  If no value is entered, the default value is 'N.'
Deliver To DEL_TO_FLD Varchar 25 N
Procurement Type PROCURE_TYPE_CD Varchar 2 N If entered, must be valid value in Manage Procurement Types screen.
Inv Abbrev INVT_ABBRV_CD Varchar 20 N For fixed length file format, limit to 3 characters. For delimited file format, increase field size to 10
Approval Process RQ_APPR_PROC_CD Varchar 8 N Required if Requisition Settings Approval Level = Requisition Line, Approval Process Assignment is Manual, but default Approval Process has not been assigned. (RQ_SETTINGS. S_APPRVL_LVL_CD = L, S_APPR_PROC_ASG_CD = M, RQ_APP_PROC_CD = NULL).
Mil-Spec MIL_SPEC_ID Varchar 20 N
NSN NSN_ID Varchar 20 N
Commodity COMM_CD Varchar 8 N If entered, value must be valid and active  on the Manage Commodity screen.
Preferred Vendor PREF_VEND_ID Varchar 12 N If entered, must be a existing in the Manage Vendors screen and must not be a PAYROLL Vendor or On-Hold Status.
Preferred Quote PREF_QUOTE_ID Varchar 10 N Must exist in QT_HDR if RQ_SETTINGS. VALID_QT_FL = Y.
Suggested Blanket PO SUG_BLKT_PO_ID Varchar 10 N
Manufacturer MANUF_ID Varchar 10 N If entered,must be existing on the Manage Manufacturers screen.
Manufacturer Part MANUF_PART_ID Varchar 30 N
Mfg Rev MANUF_PART_RVSN_ID Varchar 3 N
Vendor Part VEND_PART_ID Varchar 30 N
Vend Rev VEND_PART_RVSN_ID Varchar 3 N
Buyer BUYER_ID Varchar 12 N If entered, must exists in the Manage Buyers screen for the user 's logged in Company ID.
Buyer Assignment Date BUYER_ASSIGN_DT Date N Value must be a valid date format YYYY-MM-DD.
Planner PLANNER_ID Varchar 12 N If entered, must be  active and existing on Manage Planners screen.
Order Ref Type S_ORD_REF_TYPE_CD Varchar 1 N If entered, valid values are 'S' (Sales Order), 'M' (Manufacturing Order), or 'N' (None).
Order Reference ORDER_REF_ID Varchar 10 N
Order Ref Line ORDER_REF_LN_NO Numeric 4 N
CLIN CLIN_ID Varchar 10 N
Overship OVRSHP_ALLOW_FL Varchar 1 N
Recpt Tolerance RECPT_TOL_PCT_RT Decimal 5,4 N
QC Reqd QC_REQD_FL Varchar 1 N
Source Inspection Reqd SRCE_INSP_FL Varchar 1 N
Cert of Conf Reqd CERT_OF_CNFRM_FL Varchar 1 N
Performance Start Date PERF_START_DT Date N Value must be a valid date format YYYY-MM-DD.
Performance End Date PERF_END_DT Date N Value must be a valid date format YYYY-MM-DD.
Target Place Date TGT_PLACE_DT Date N Value must be a valid date format YYYY-MM-DD.
BOM Configuration BOM_CONFIG_ID Varchar 10 N
Industry Classification IND_CLASS_CD Varchar 8 N
Internal Notes RQST_INT_NOTES Varchar 254 N
Line Notes RQ_LN_TX Varchar 1000 N
US Citizenship Required US_CITIZEN_FL Varchar 1 N Applies only if Req Hdr Subcontractor Agreement Flag = Y.  Else, null.
ITAR Authorization Required ITAR_AUTH_FL Varchar 1 N Applies only if Req Hdr Subcontractor Agreement Flag = Y.  Else, null.
Security Clearance System ID SEC_CLR_CD Varchar 6 N Applies only if Req Hdr Subcontractor Agreement Flag = Y.  Else, null.
Issuing Agency AGENCY_NAME Varchar 30 N Applies only if Req Hdr Subcontractor Agreement Flag = Y.  Else, null.
NAICS Code NAICS_CD Varchar 15 N

If there are no NAICS Code and NAICS Effective date available in the input file, load the NAICS Code and Effective date from the line's commodity code (COMM.NAICS_EFF_DT IF it is Active - OPP_NAICS_CODES.SHOW_LOOKUP_FL = Y); For New records and the input file has NAICS Code but the NAICS Effective Date is NULL, then we will load the latest and active effective date. For existing records that have the same NAICS Code, if there is a value on ITEM.NAICS_EFF_DT then do not over-write it if the field is blank in the input file. Else, if the NAICS Effective date is NULL on the ITEM.NAICS_EFF_DT for the same NAICS Code then same logic should apply just like for new records/new NAICS Code. If a NAICS effective date exists then NAICS code is required.

Requisition Line Account Record

Input is optional if the inventory abbreviation exists on an associated requisition line.

Field Costpoint Column Name Type Length Required Format
Record Type Varchar 2 Y LA
Requisition RQ_ID Varchar 10 Y
Requisition Line RQ_LN_NO Numeric 4 Y
Account Line ACCT_LN Numeric 4 Y
Allocation CST_AMT_PCT_RT Decimal 5,4 Y Enter as a percentage. For example, 100% should be

entered as 100 or 100.00 (stored as 1.0000). 1% should

be entered as 1.0000 (stored as 0.0100).

Amount CST_AMT Decimal 14,2 Y
Account ACCT_ID Varchar 15 N If entered, must be an active existing account ID on Manage Accounts screen for the user's logged in  company ID.
Organization ORG_ID Varchar 20 N If entered, must be an active existing org ID in Manage Organization Structures screen for the user's logged in  company ID.
Project PROJ_ID Varchar 30 N If entered, must be an active existing project ID in Manage Project User Flow screen for the user's logged in  company ID;

This is required if account requires a project.

Proj Abbrev PROJ_ABBRV_CD Varchar 6 N
Proj Acct Abbrev PROJ_ACCT_ABBRV_CD Varchar 6 N
Org Abbrev ORG_ABBRV_CD Varchar 6 N
Reference Number 1 REF_STRUC_1_ID Varchar 20 N
Reference Number 2 REF_STRUC_2_ID Varchar 20 N

Requisition Line Charge Record

Field Costpoint Column Name Type Length Required Format
Record Type Varchar 2 Y LC
Requisition RQ_ID Varchar 10 Y
Requisition Line RQ_LN_NO Numeric 4 Y
Charge Line Numeric 4 Y
Line Charge Type LN_CHG_TYPE Varchar 6 Y
Line Charge Cost Amount TRN_CHG_CST_AMT Decimal 14,2 Y
Charge Description CHG_DESC Varchar 30 N
Taxable TAXABLE_FL Varchar 1 N

Requisition Line Text Record

Field Costpoint Column Name Type Length Required Format
Record Type Varchar 2 Y LT
Requisition RQ_ID Varchar 10 Y
Requisition Line RQ_LN_NO Numeric 4 Y
Sequence Number SEQ_NO Numeric 4 Y
Text Code TEXT_CD Varchar 10 Y
Text Revision TEXT_CD_RVSN_NO Numeric 5 N

Requisition Header SCI/SAP Security Codes

Ignore if Req Hdr Subcontractor Agreement Flag=N.

Name Costpoint Column Name Type Length Required/Optional Format/Notes
Record Type Character 2 Required (HC)
Req ID Character 10 Required
Code Varchar 6 Required

Requisition Header SOW

INCLUDE even if Req Hdr Subcontractor Agreement Flag = N.

Name Costpoint Column Name Type Length Required/Optional Format/Notes
Record Type Character 2 Required (HS)
Req ID Character 10 Required
SOW ID Varchar 50 Required
SOW Rev Varchar 10 Optional If value is not provided, assume it to be 'space'.

Req Line SCI/SAP Security Codes

Ignore if Req Hdr Subcontractor Agreement Flag = N.

Name Costpoint Column Name Type Length Required/Optional Format/Notes
Record Type Character 2 Required (LP)
Req ID Character 10 Required
Req Line Number Number   4 Required (9999)
Code Varchar 6 Required

Req Line SOW

INCLUDE  if Req Hdr Subcontractor Agreement Flag = N.

Name Costpoint Column Name Type Length Required/Optional Format/Notes
Record Type Character 2 Required (LS)
Req ID Character 10 Required
Req Line Number Number   4 Required (9999)
SOW ID Varchar 50 Required
SOW Rev Varchar 10 Optional If value is not provided, assume it to be 'space'.

Req Line Resources

Ignore if Req Hdr Subcontractor Agreement Flag = N.

Name Costpoint Column Name Type Length Required/Optional Format/Notes
Record Type Character 2 2 Required (LR)
Req ID Character 10 10 Required
Req Line Number Number 4 4 Required (9999)
Resource Line Number Varchar 10 10 Required
Resource Description Varchar 60 60 Conditionally Required Required only if a valid Service ID/Rev is not provided.
Service ID Varchar 50 50 Optional
Service Revision Varchar 10 10 Optional
Number of Resources Number 10 10 Optional
Total Hours Number 15 15 Optional (9999999999.9999)
Hourly Rate Number 15 15 Optional (9999999999.9999)
PLC Varchar 6 6 Optional
GLC Varchar 6 6 Optional
City Varchar 25 25 Optional
State/Province Varchar 15 15 Optional
Postal Code Varchar 10 10 Optional
Country Varchar 8 8 Optional

Delivery Schedule Record

Field Costpoint Column Name Type Length Required Format
Record Type Varchar 2 Y DS
Requisition ID Varchar 10 Y
Requisition Line Numeric 4 Y (9999)
Order Quantity Numeric 21 Y (999999999.9999)
Requested Date Date 35 Y (MM/DD/YYYY)

Req Line Resource Vendor Employees

Ignore if Req Hdr Subcontractor Agreement Flag = N.

Name Costpoint Column Name Type Length Required/Optional Format/Notes
Record Type Character 2 Required (LV)
Req ID Character 10 Required
PO Line Number Number 4 Required (9999)
Resource Line Number Varchar 10 Required
Vendor Employee ID Varchar 12 Required