Project Levels and Data

This topic discusses which levels of a project should contain various data in order to meet the requirements of the various Costpoint processes.

Manage Project User Flow

Complete this screen for all levels of a project, starting at the top of the project and working downwards through all the branches. Enter optional fields, such as Project Manager, for each level of the project for which a Project Status Report (PSR) is printed. This ensures that the PSR displays the same information regardless of the level at which it is printed. You must set up this screen before you can complete any of the other Project Setup screens. These are the screens that establish a project identification number.

This screen is designed to help standardize the information entered about a project by defaulting the information entered at the top level of the project down into all lower levels. Therefore, if you enter a Project Manager at the top level of a project, that project manager's ID defaults down to all lower levels of the project as you set them up.

Another tool that you can use to help standardize the information entered about a project is the Allow Edit check box next to each field. Regardless of how you use this check box, the information entered in each field defaults down to all lower levels of the project. However, if you do not select the Allow Edit check box for a given field, you cannot modify the default information at the lower level. If you select the Allow Edit check box, you can modify, at a lower level, the information entered at the top level of a project. If you select the Allow Edit check box for a specific field at the top level of a project and then do not select Allow Edit for a lower level, the check box is cleared for all levels below it.

Set Up Account/Organization Links Subtask of the Manage Project User Flow


Click the Acct/Org Links link to open the Set Up Account/Organization Links subtask.

You need to use this subtask only if you have selected either the Which Orgs can charge specific Accts or the Limit Accounts to P/O/A check boxes in the Limit group box on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow. The PROJ_ORG_ACCT table is populated when you use this subtask and this table is used only if the check boxes are selected. 

If you have selected one of the check boxes previously noted, you should assign accounts to the level (or levels) of a project where charging occurs. If the project has three levels and costs are collected only at the lowest level, assign accounts only at that level. Assigning accounts at the first and second levels permits charges at those levels.

You must always assign cost accounts to projects at the level at which charging occurs. Note that you can use only NON-LABOR Function Codes more than once in the same Account Group. If you use any Revenue, Billed, Unbilled, Cost of Goods Sold, or WIP Transfer function codes more than once in the same Account Group, the revenue and billing posting programs halt.

Mods Subtask of the Manage Project User Flow (or the Standalone Manage Modifications Screen) (Optional)

Enter modifications for both signed value and funded value at any level. You can set ceilings at the billing/revenue levels or below. Ceilings are assigned on the Total Ceilings subtask of the Manage Project User Flow screen (or the standalone Manage Total Ceilings screen). The ceilings apply downwards, so assigning a value and setting a ceiling at the top level of a project makes that ceiling applicable to all lower levels of the project. If you assign a value at the top level and set a ceiling at a lower level, the top level is affected in summary because of this lower-level ceiling. Neither the revenue nor the billing calculation programs look above the level at which the formula was entered to calculate ceilings; they look down the tree only from the level at which the formula was entered.

You can set values (and ceilings) at any level below the level at which the revenue or billing formula was entered. You can enter modification values (and set ceilings) at multiple levels of the same project. All the level values are summed to arrive at the signed or funded value at the top level of the project. (For example: you enter a signed value of $100 at level 3, a signed value of $500 at level 2, and, finally, a signed value of $1,000 at level 1. The total signed value for the project at level 1 is $1,600.)

You must enter period of performance modifications at all levels of the project so that they print at every level, and so that the modification on period of performance for timesheet entry is not lost. On the Manage Timesheets screen, Costpoint displays a warning message for dates before the starting period or after the ending period. If you do not want this message to appear during timesheet entry, clear the Show Period of Performance Warning Message check box on the Projects tab of the Configure Project Settings screen.

Costpoint Product Definition

Set up items in Costpoint Product Definition as parts, goods, or services. You must assign them as billable items before you can assign them to CLINs.

Manage CLIN Information (Optional)

This screen is required only if you are billing or recognizing revenue on units and the unit pricing is project specific. A CLIN is a grouping of items that you want to bill and/or track for revenue recognition purposes. You can set up CLINs at multiple levels of the project, with items attached at the various levels. Note that you can enter CLINs at the top level to prevent duplication of entry.

Project Unit Pricing Subtask of the Manage CLIN Information Screen (Optional)

This screen contains the pricing for the items that were attached to CLINs on the CLINs screen. If the pricing is the same for the same item across all lower levels of the project, you can set up the pricing at the top level of the project and it applies downwards. If you modify the pricing for the item at one of the lower levels, you can enter the override at the lower level (this still assumes that the standard price was entered at the top level). Or, if the pricing for the same item is different at each lower level, you can enter pricing only at the lowest level.

Manage Employee Work Force or Manage Vendor Employee Work Force (Optional)

You must assign a project work force at the level of charging (usually the lowest level) for the project. Timesheet modifications for the work force are made at the level of the project that is charged on the timesheet. If you selected the Use Top Level Work Force check box on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow screen, enter the workforce at the top level of the project. 

Government Contract Subtask of the Manage Project User Flow (or the Standalone Manage Government Contract Information Screen)

Although this screen is optional, you must enter any data that you want to appear on reports at the levels of a project that you plan to print. The ICS Code is required at all levels of a project if you selected the Require Incurred Cost Submission for all Projects check box on the Projects tab of the Configure Project Settings screen. The DPAS rating is checked at the level of the project used in Purchase Order entry. You should select the CAS Covered check box in the Government Contract subtask for any task for which this applies. You can select the Use PLC for Wage Determination check box at the top level only, and it applies to the lower levels.

User-Defined Info Subtask of the Manage Project User Flow (or the Standalone Manage User-Defined Information Screen) (Optional)

You can enter data in this screen at one or more levels of the project, depending on your requirements for tracking. (Example: You could enter a proposal number, and other sales tracking information, only at the top level, or you could enter, for each task, a cross-reference to the task's number in your old accounting system.)

Link Project Labor Categories to Projects (Optional)

You must assign PLCs to the source level of the project (based on the Manage Rate Sequence Orders screen) if you want them to be available for timesheet default. If you selected the Use Top Level Work Force check box on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow screen, you should assign the PLCs to the project at the project's top level.

Link GLC to Project PLC Subtask of the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects Screen (Optional)

To get a timesheet default for the PLC, link General Labor Categories (GLCs) to Project Labor Categories (PLCs) at the level of the project that is charged (usually the lowest level). Linking GLCs and PLCs is necessary when all the employees that use a GLC have the same PLC. If not all the employees in a single GLC charge the same PLC, this mapping does not provide a correct default. In other words, you cannot link multiple PLCs to a single GLC. Note that multiple PLCs can be used on a single GLC, but they cannot be used as a default.

Link Project Labor Category Rates to Projects (Optional)

Assign project-specific billing rates when the billing rate is the same for all employees or vendors that use a given PLC on a specific project. You can enter billing rates at any level of any project to serve as the source table for that particular project or any other project. Enter table sources on the Manage Rate Sequence Orders screen.

Assign PLC to Employee Work Force Subtask of the Manage Employee Work Force Screen on the Manage Project User Flow Screen, Assign PLC to Vendor Work Force Subtask of the Manage Vendor Work Force Screen, Assign PLC to Vendor Employee Work Force Subtask of the Manage Vendor Employee Work Force Screen (Optional)

These screens are required if: (1) a work force exists and (2) if the PLC that is charged varies by employee, vendor, or vendor employee. In other words, if each employee who charges the project has a different PLC, you can assign PLCs to each employee on the work force. Make this assignment at the source level of the project as defined on the Manage Rate Sequence Orders screen.

You can also use these screens (1) to provide a timesheet default for PLCs or (2) to accommodate various billing rates by employee within the same PLC.

Link PLC Rates to Employee/Vendor Screen (Optional)

You must assign a billing rate for each employee/vendor/vendor employee on the Project Work Force only when the billing rates are different for each employee/vendor/vendor employee within the same PLC. You can enter project work force billing rates at any level of any project to serve as the source table for that particular project or any other project. Enter table sources on the Manage Rate Sequence Orders screen.

Revenue Details Subtask of the Manage Project User Flow (or the Standalone Manage Revenue Information Screen)

Set up this screen at the level of the project at which revenue is to be posted. If you post revenue at the top level of the project, assign the formula at that level; enter modifications for signed and/or funded value at that level or lower; enter line item ceilings (direct, burden, and/or hours ceilings) at that level or below; and enter fee overrides at that level. If you plan to post revenue at the lowest level, you must enter the formula, modifications, line item ceilings, and fee overrides at that lowest level.

Sometimes a different revenue formula is used for different tasks on a project (for example, some tasks are Cost plus Fee and some are T&M). In that case, you must set up the revenue formula, and all other information for values, ceilings, and overrides, at the level at which it diverges. Only one revenue formula is permitted on each branch of the project tree.

Cost Fee Ovrd Subtask of the Manage Project User Flow and Burd Fee Ovrd Subtask of the Manage Project User Flow (or the Standalone Manage Cost Fee Overrides and Manage Burden Fee Overrides Screens) (Optional)

Use these screens if you are using an override fee rate for calculating fee for revenue and/or billing purposes on Cost Incurred or Loaded Labor formulas. If you use override fees (fees that are different than the fee rate entered on the Manage Revenue Information screen or the Manage Project Billing Information screen, you can assign them only to the project at the level of revenue recognition. As in the revenue and billing formulas, the fee overrides apply down the branches of the project tree. You can assign fee overrides to accounts at any level of the project where revenue is recognized, even if the accounts used for the fee override are not assigned to the project at that level. If you are using cost fee overrides, you do not need to set up burden fee overrides unless the burden fee override percent is different.

Def Rate Seq Subtask of the Manage Project User Flow (or the standalone Manage Rate Sequence Orders Screen)  (Optional)

This screen is required if the project accrues revenue or bills using a Loaded Labor formula. Enter rate sequences at the levels where charging occurs. This screen tells the Load Labor Rates screen which project billing rate tables to use. Note that the screen can point to the same project or a different project at any project level where the billing rates are set up.

Cost of Goods Sold Details Subtask of the Manage Project User Flow (or the Standalone Manage Cost of Goods Sold Screen) (Optional)

You can use this screen on any project classification. Compete this screen at the level where the cost of goods sold calculation occurs. For more information, please see the documentation on the Manage Cost of Goods Sold screen.

Dir Cost Ceil Subtask of the Manage Project User Flow (or the Standalone Manage Direct Cost Ceilings Screen) (Optional)

You must fill in this screen if you want to set a dollar value ceiling on an account for revenue and/or billing calculation purposes. You must assign ceilings to accounts at the same level at which the revenue or billing formula was entered, or below. You can set ceilings at a summary account level. (For example: You can set a ceiling on travel, although it is a summary level account and contains multiple detail level accounts below it - Airfare, Lodging, Meals, and so forth.) The detail level of the account used for the ceiling must be present in the account group used by the project in order to be available on this screen. For revenue, the ceiling should be at or below the revenue formula. For billing, the ceilings should be at or below the billing formula.

Burden Cost Ceilings Subtask of the Manage Project User Flow (or the Standalone Manage Burden Cost Ceilings Screen) (Optional)

You must fill in this screen if you want to set a burden rate ceiling or burden override on a pool for an account for revenue and/or billing calculation purposes. You can assign ceilings or overrides at any level. Ceilings or overrides established in this screen apply to all lower levels of the project. You can set ceilings or overrides for a specific pool at a summary account level. (For example, you can set a ceiling on G/A for the travel account, although it is a summary level account and contains multiple detail level accounts below it - Airfare, Lodging, Meals, and so forth.) The detail level of the account used for the ceiling must be present in the account group used by the project in order to be available on this screen.

Dir Hour Ceil Screen of the Manage Project User Flow  (or the Standalone Manage Hour Ceilings Screen)(Optional)

You must fill in this screen if you want to set an hours ceiling for a PLC for revenue and/or billing calculation purposes. You should assign ceilings at the same level at which the revenue or billing formula was entered, or below. Ceilings established in this screen are applicable to lower levels of the project.

Empl Hour Ceil Screen of the Manage Project User Flow (or the Standalone Manage Employee Hour Ceilings Screen) (Optional)

This screen is required if you want to set an hours ceiling for a specific employee within a PLC for revenue and/or billing calculation purposes. Assign ceilings at the same level at which the revenue or billing formula was entered, or below. Ceilings established in this screen are applicable to lower levels of the project.

Manage Prior Year Cost and Revenue

Enter prior fiscal year history for costs incurred and revenue accrued at the level at which it was incurred — usually the lowest level of the project. All prior FY history can be compressed into a single period within a single fiscal year, if desired, to streamline initialization.

Manage Prior Year Time and Materials Revenue

Enter prior fiscal year history for revenue accrued on T&M contracts (projects that use any of the Loaded Labor Rate revenue or billing formulas) at the level at which it was accrued — usually the lowest level of the project. All prior FY history can be compressed into a single period within a single fiscal year, if desired, to streamline initialization. This screen is required if you are using hours ceilings for T&M projects.

Manage Prior Year Unit Revenue

Enter prior fiscal year history for unit-based revenue at the level at which it was accrued — usually the lowest level of the project. All prior FY history can be compressed into a single period within a single fiscal year, if desired, to streamline initialization.

Manage Project Labor History

Enter prior fiscal year history for hours incurred by employee (or vendor) by labor category at the level at which it was incurred — usually the lowest level of the project. All prior FY history can be compressed into a single period within a single fiscal year, if desired, to streamline initialization.

Billing Details Subtask of the Manage Project User Flow (or the Standalone Manage Project Billing Information Screen)

Enter billing information at the level at which billings are computed and posted. Enter the information at the lower levels only if bills that support the higher level are required.