Manage Revenue Formulas
Use this screen to maintain the revenue calculation amount that is associated with the project's revenue formula.
The revenue calculation amount is displayed below the Revenue Formula field on the Manage Revenue Information screen. These amounts are used by the Compute Revenue process to help determine the revenue for the projects. Using this screen expedites the modification of a fee amount, a multiplier amount, or a fixed amount. After you select your project, you can modify the revenue calculation amounts for all tasks or projects without accessing each record on the Manage Revenue Information screen individually. You can optionally enter the revenue amount on a project-by-project basis on the Manage Revenue Information screen. You can use this screen to enter the amounts for any range of projects for a given revenue formula.
Not all projects use revenue calculation amounts. You must enter an amount only for those projects with formulas that use an amount or rate in the revenue calculation. After you enter an amount for a project, how often it needs to be modified depends on the revenue formula type.
You cannot add projects in this screen. You can enter amounts only for projects that have been entered on the Manage Revenue Information screen.
Amounts and rates entered in this screen are stored in the Rev_Calc_Amt column of the PROJ_REV_SETUP table.
The revenue formulas shown on the screen are as follows:
Formula | Formula Description |
CIMR | Labor Cost times Multiplier plus Non-Labor times Multiplier (Hours) |
COSTIMR | Labor Cost Times Multiplier Plus Non-Labor Times Multiplier (Cost) |
CPFC | Cost plus Fee On Cost |
CPFH | Fee on Hours Plus Cost Incurred |
CVPC | Contract Value times Percent Complete |
EAC | Cost Incurred using Estimate At Completion (Contract Value) |
ETC | Cost Incurred using Estimate To Complete (Contract Value) |
FACTD | Fixed Amount Contract To Date |
FAMTD | Fixed Amount Month To Date |
FAYTD | Fixed Amount Year To Date |
FVEAC | Cost Incurred using Estimate At Completion (Funded Value) |
FVETC | Cost Incurred using Estimate To Complete (Funded Value) |
FVPC | Funded Value Times Percent Complete |
ITDCPFC | ITD Fee on Cost |
LLRBFNBF | Loaded Labor Rate W/Burden W/Fee Plus Non-Labor W/Burden W/Fee |
LLRCINBF | Loaded Labor plus Non-Labor w/Burden w/Fee |
LLRFNLBF | Loaded Labor Rate W/Fee Plus Non-Labor W/Burden W/Fee |
The following formulas do not have revenue calculation amounts. These formulas and the projects that use them are therefore not displayed on the screen.
Formula | Formula Description |
ETBAR | Equal To Billings After Retainage |
ETBBR | Equal To Billings Before Retainage |
ETD | Equal To Deliveries |
ETPL | Equal To Project Ledger Sales |
LLR | Loaded Labor Rate |
LLRCINL | Loaded Labor Rate Plus Cost Incurred On Non-labor (T&M) |
LLRCINLB | Loaded Labor Plus Non-labor Plus Burden on Non-labor |
NONE | Do Not Compute |
UNIT | Unit Revenue Only |
Complete this screen, if necessary, after you enter the project on the Manage Revenue Information screen. Maintenance is required only when the amount or rate changes. You must make modifications before executing the Compute Revenue screen.
- Related Topics:
- Display the Manage Revenue Formulas Screen
You access the Manage Revenue Formulas screen from the Projects domain. - Contents of the Manage Revenue Formulas Screen
Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Revenue Formulas screen. - Table Information for the Manage Revenue Formulas Screen
Changes to the Manage Revenue Formulas screen update the PROJ_REV_SETUP table.