Active Level Reports
Use the screens in the Active Level Reports application group to view reports related to hours, costs, revenue, billing, and profitability.
- Related Topics:
- Hours Breakdown Screen
Use this screen to display labor hours charged or budgeted to the project, or variances of labor hours charged or budgeted to the project, for the last seven accounting periods, or if you are viewing future budgets, the next seven accounting periods. - Raw Cost Breakdown
Use this screen to display unburdened costs charged or budgeted to the selected project, or variances of unburdened costs and budget charged to the project, by category (for example, Labor, Materials, Subcontracts, Travel, and so forth) for the last seven accounting periods, or if you are viewing future budgets, the next seven accounting periods. - Burdened Cost Breakdown
Use this screen to display burdened costs charged or budgeted to the selected project, or variances of burdened costs and budget charged to the project, by category (for example, Labor, Materials, Subcontracts, Travel, and so forth) for the last seven accounting periods, or if you are viewing future budgets, the next seven accounting periods. - All Cost Breakdown
Use this screen to display total costs or total budgeted burdened costs charged to project by category (for example, Labor, Materials, Subcontracts, Travel, and so forth) for the last seven accounting periods, or if you are viewing future budgets, the next seven accounting periods. - T&M Billable Revenue Breakdown
Use this screen to run a report that displays Labor costs by Labor Category calculated using the Labor Category billing rate. - T&M Labor Analysis
Use this screen to display profitability information, including ITD Profit % that indicates which categories and employees are most profitable, on T&M contracts. - Transaction Analysis
Use this screen to do a filtered search of detail transactions for the organization selected in the Navigation and all orgs below that level. - Billing Profile
Use this screen to display the billing history of the selected project. Only system-generated invoices are displayed in the report. - Time Collection Hours
Use this screen to display hours charged by employees to the selected project and all lower-level tasks. - Time Collection Cost (Estimated)
Use this screen to run a report that displays estimated labor cost for hours charged by Employee to all levels of the selected project. - T&M Budget Review
Use this screen to run a report that displays Labor budget by Labor Category calculated using the Labor Category billing rate. - Revenue Breakdown
Use this screen to run a report of revenue breakdown for all periods. The report displays T&M Budgeted Revenue by category for each of the next 12 months. - Current Forecast
Use this screen to run a report that displays budgeted project profitability for next 12 months. - Revenue Analysis
Use this screen to display a summary of costs for the active level project or account.
Parent Topic: Project Budgeting