Print Project Labor Summary Report

Use this screen to print the Project Labor Summary report, which details labor hours and amounts incurred by project.

You can group the reports using various options and, if printing by project, you can collate them for distribution. You can use secondary sorting features to organize the report to your specifications. You can print the report by General or Project Labor Category (GLC or PLC), with projects, organizations, and accounts rolled up to selected levels. In addition, you can select each of the six columns of information on the report from a range of options including hours, cost, budget, variance and allowable revenue. Each of these options is available by period, year-to-date, and inception-to-date. The application prints the report from the RPT_ PROJ_LAB_SUM table, which is updated by the Create Project Report Tables screen.

You must execute the Create Project Report Tables screen before printing this report. Select the Labor Summary check box in the Create Data For group box. The Create Project Report Tables process updates the RPT_PROJ_LAB_SUM table using the LAB_HS table. Rows are updated in the report table based on the criteria you selected.

This screen has two tabs:

  • Options: Use this tab to enter selection ranges, primary grouping, project ranges, project manager ranges, accounting period, sorting order, and various printing options.
  • Next: Use this tab to enter organization ranges, account ranges, labor category ranges, report columns, and organization and account roll-up levels.