Contents of the Timesheet Schedules Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Timesheet Schedules screen.

Timesheet Schedules Fields

Field Description

You can add a record by selecting New and entering a 10-character, uppercase alphanumeric code for the timesheet schedule. Each timesheet schedule must be unique.


Enter a timesheet schedule description of up to 30 characters. Because they are used in drop-down boxes and as column headings for reports/inquiries, make descriptions as short as possible and properly capitalized. Each timesheet schedule description must be unique.

Current Year

If you are returning from the Create Year dialog, the year from that dialog will display as the default current period in the field. If you have set up multiple years for this schedule, the years will display as other choices in the drop-down box.

Current Period

If you are returning from the Create Year dialog, "001" will default as the period in the field. The periods available in the drop-down box will all be existing periods for the timesheet schedule and year. Select the period you want as the current period.

Current Period Start Date

This field displays the start date for the current period. Display for this non-editable field is determined by administrative settings.

Current Period End Date

This field displays the end date for the current period. Display for this non-editable field is determined by administrative settings.

Timesheet Schedule Periods

Note: With the release of Deltek Time\Expense\Self Service 7.0, you can directly edit the various check boxes in the table without using the Edit option.
Field Description

Enter a unique period for this timesheet schedule.

Start Date

Select the start date for this period from the Calendar Lookup.

End Date

Select the end date for this period from the Calendar Lookup.


Select this check box to indicate that the period is open. This check box is initially unchecked.

Modify Missing

Select this check box if the missing timesheets can be added. This check box is initially checked.

Modify Signed

Select this check box if the signed timesheets can be changed for this period. This check box is initially checked.

Modify Approved

Select this check box if the approved timesheets can be changed for this period. This check box is initially checked.

Modify Processed

Select this check box if the processed timesheets can be changed for this period. This check box is initially checked.

Modify Rejected

Select this check box if the modified timesheets can be changed for this period. This check box is initially checked.

Period Text

In Period Text, you can enter up to 10 characters of text for each timesheet period you set up. This text is then displayed in parentheses following the period ending date in the Timesheets screen and when you print timesheets.

Here are two ways you might use period text:

  • To display the fiscal week: 07/14/2007 (28)
  • To indicate the payroll week when, for example, you have weekly timesheet periods and bi-weekly payroll: 07/14/2007 (Week 1)

If Allow Timesheet Period Text is not checked in the Time Configuration screen, the Period Text field is not available.

The timesheet schedules must match the timesheet cycles configured in Deltek Costpoint.
Note: You cannot delete a timesheet schedule if it is set as the default Timesheet Schedule in the Links/Defaults tab of the Configuration screen, if it has been used for an employee in the past, or if it is being used on a current timesheet.