Standard Billing Info Tab FAQs

This section contains the FAQs about the Standard Billing Info tab.

How is the billing format determined?

The billing format is determined on the Manage Project Billing Information screen. When the bill is computed, the format is used to determine how to group the charges into lines on the bill and how to present information in the bill header.

You can choose a standard billing format or a generic bill that you have designed on the Manage Generic Billing Formats screen.

If you need to change the billing format, you must do so on the Manage Project Billing Information screen and then recalculate the bill.

How is the information for billing period determined?

When you first enter the Manage Standard Bills screen, only the ending billing date is populated. The Calculate Standard Bills process populates this field with the ending date of the period for which the bills were calculated. You can edit the beginning and ending dates of the billing period in this screen.

Why is there an OTHER line on my bill?

The OTHER line in the table represents billable costs that were charged to an account/organization that was not properly assigned to a line in the billing format screen.

Use the Detail subtask to identify the account/organizations that are missing from the Manage Generic Billing Formats screen. Add the missing account/organizations to the format and recalculate the bill.

Can I change the invoice number in this screen?

You can change the invoice number in this screen if you selected the Allow User to Edit Bills check box on the Controls tab on the Manage Project Billing Information screen.  

The invoice number must be unique system-wide. When you change the invoice number that was assigned to the invoice in this screen, Costpoint searches the database to determine whether the invoice number you entered is unique. Costpoint reviews the Accounts Receivable history tables, and the Manage Manual Bills, Manage Project Product Bills, Manage Milestone Percent Complete Bills, Manage Progress Payment Bills, Manage Standard Bills, Create Sales Order Invoices, and Manage Shipping Transactions screens to determine whether a duplicate invoice ID exists. If a duplicate is found, an error message displays and you cannot save the record. If no duplicate is found, you can save the record and the bill displays the new invoice number.