Request Absence Dialog Box

Use this dialog box, which opens from the Timesheet application, to enter and submit absence requests for vacation, sick leave, and so on for approval.

This dialog box opens the Absence Requests form from the Absence Requests application (Time & Expense > Absence Requests). However, from a timesheet you can only enter and submit an absence request. You cannot open other approval requests or see the more detailed progress of submitted requests as you can directly in the Absence Requests application.

When you open the Request Absence dialog box from the Timesheet application:
  • You can enter an absence request for only the person that the timesheet belongs to. The Employee field prefills with the employee whose timesheet was opened, which you cannot change.
  • You cannot see the approval status, state, and step information for an absence request, as you can in the Absence Requests application.
  • You do not have access to all the toolbar options that you have in the Absence Requests application.
  • You cannot open and view another absence request using a Search field.

Related Topics

Display the Request Absence Dialog Box

The Request Absence dialog box displays in the Timesheet application.

To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Navigation menu, click Time & Expense > Timesheet.
  2. Open a timesheet.
  3. On the Timesheet form toolbar, click Show > Benefit Hours.
  4. On the Benefit Hours dialog box, click the Request Absence button. The Request Absence button displays only if you have a benefit accrual code that has been configured for absence request approvals. This configuration is entered on the Benefit Accrual Setup tab in Configuration > Accounting > Time Analysis.

Toolbar of Request Absence Dialog Box

Use the toolbar to submit absence requests for approval.


Field Description
Submit After you enter absence request information and select dates on this dialog box, click this button to submit an absence request for approval. You must select an absence type and at least one day of absence before you can submit the request.

The approval steps that take place after you submit the request are based on the approval workflow that is assigned to the absence type of the absence request. The approval workflow is enabled and specified on the Benefit Accrual Setup tab in Configuration > Accounting > Time Analysis.

Close When you click the Close button in the upper right corner of the Request Absence dialog box, if you have selected days for the absence request, a dialog box opens and asks if you want to submit the request.
  • If you click Yes on the dialog box, the absence request is submitted, the dialog box closes, and you are returned to the Benefit Hours dialog box.
  • If you click No on the dialog box, the absence request is canceled, the dialog box closes, and you are returned to the Benefit Hours dialog box.
Help Click this button to open the help topic for this dialog box.

General Tab of Request Absence Dialog Box

Use this tab to enter information and dates for an absence request.



Field Description
Employee This field displays the name of the employee that the timesheet belongs to. This is the employee who is requesting the absence.
Absence Type From the drop-down list, select the type of absence that you are requesting, such as vacation or sick leave. The items in the list are based on the benefit accrual codes that are entered on the Benefit Accrual Setup tab in Configuration > Accounting > Time Analysis for which an approval workflow is enabled.

Three-Month Calendar Section

Field Description
Monthly Calendars This section displays three months in a calendar view. Use the scroll-left and scroll-right arrows to bring different months into view.

Click a date in a calendar to add it to your absence request. To select a range of dates, you can click a date, continue to press and hold your left mouse button, and sweep across adjacent dates in the calendar.

Dates that you select are highlighted in blue. To deselect a date, click it again.

You cannot select dates that are earlier than the current date or dates that are non-working days (per the Vision holiday calendar in Configuration > General > Holiday Calendar).

You can select dates that were previously rejected by approvers.

Color coding for dates in the calendars are as follows:
  • Blue — These are dates that you selected for the absence request that are not yet submitted.
  • Yellow — These are dates that you previously submitted, but they are not yet approved.
  • Green — These are dates that you previously submitted, and they are approved.
  • Red — These are dates that you previously submitted, and they were rejected.

Hours Requested Grid

This grid displays the dates that you select from the calendars for the current absence request.

To delete a date from the grid, you must click a blue-highlighted date from the calendar to deselect it from the calendar.

Field Description
Hours Requested Drop-Down Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:
  • To print grid data, click Print. When the Print Preview form displays, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into this field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Date When you click a date in one of the calendars to add it to the absence request, the date prefills in this field.
Hours Enter the number of hours that you are requesting off for the day's absence. This field prefills with the number from the Hours/Day field on the Personal tab in the Employee Info Center for the employee for whom the absence request applies. You can change the hours as needed.
Sum Bar The bar below the grid displays the total hours requested for the absence request.

Comment Text Box

Field Description
Comment Click in the text box field, and enter a note or information related to the absence request.
Edit This option displays on the Comment text box header if you are the employee for whom the absence request applies. Click this option to open the Vision Text Editor dialog box, and edit or format the text in the Comment field. Only the employee for whom the absence request applies can edit the text in the Comment field.
View This option displays on the Comment text box header if you are an approver and not the employee for whom the absence request applies. Click this option to view the comments on the Vision Text Editor dialog box. Approvers cannot edit the text in the Comment field.


Field Description
Benefit Hours Click this button to open the Benefit Hours dialog box and review hours accrued and taken for sick leave, vacation, holiday time, and other benefit accrual codes for the employee for whom the absence request applies.
Planned Hours Click this button to open the Planned Hours dialog box and see a summary of planned hours if the employee for whom the absence request applies is assigned to project plans in the Project Planning application.

The time period for the number of hours in the Planned Hours This Period column on the dialog box is based on the three months that are displayed on the General tab of the Absence Requests form when you click the Planned Hours button. For example, if you have June through August in the calendar view on the tab and then you click the Planned Hours button, the planned hours that are displayed in the Planned Hours This Period field will have dates in June through August.

Absence Requests Grid

This grid provides a summary view of absence requests for the employee for whom the current absence request applies. All absence types display in the grid. When you open the Absence Requests form, only absence requests that have days that occur in the future (they have not yet been taken off) display in the grid. The date in the Last Day field in the grid is after today's date. Use the Hide Past Requests and Show Past Requests toggle option on the toolbar to change the contents of the grid.

Absence Requests Grid Toolbar

Field Description
Absence Requests Drop-Down Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:
  • To print grid data, click Print. When the Print Preview form displays, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into this field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Hide Past Requests Click this option to hide the absence requests for days that occurred in the past in the grid. This hides absence requests that have a date in the Last Day field that is earlier than today's date.
Show Past Requests Click this option to show absence requests that include days that occurred in the past in the grid. This shows absence requests that have a date in the Last Day field that is earlier than today's date.

Absence Requests Grid Fields

Field Description
Type This display's the absence request type, which is based on a benefit accrual code's description.
First Day This displays the first day for an absence request.
Last Day This displays the last day for an absence request.
Hours Requested This displays the total hours requested for an absence request.
Status This field displays the absence request's status.
Possible statuses are:
  • In Progress — The absence request is saved but not yet submitted.
  • Submitted — The absence request has been submitted, but it is not yet approved or rejected.
  • Approved — The absence request has been approved, and the approval workflow is complete.
  • Rejected — The absence request has been rejected.
Date Submitted This displays the date that the approval request was submitted.
Date Approved This displays the date that the approval request was approved.