Posted Transaction Files Form

Use the Posted Transaction Files form to access archived (posted) transaction files so that you can view, print, delete, or resubmit them.


To display the form, complete the following step:

From the Vision Navigation menu, click Utilities > Advanced Utilities > Posted Transaction Files.


Field Description
Transaction List

Click this option and then select one of the following actions:

  • Click Print to print a list of the transactions in the file.

  • Click Preview to display a list of the transactions in the file.

Recreate File Click this option to recreate the selected transaction file so that it is again available in the Transaction Center. When you recreate a file, you can undo the posting if the original posting has not been "undone."
Delete Click this option to delete the selected transaction file.
Transaction Type Select a transaction type from the drop-down list. Vision displays all transaction files posted during the current fiscal period of that transaction type.
Show only transactions created by me Select this option to limit the number of transactions displayed.