Expense Report Selection Dialog Box

Use the Expense Report Selection dialog box to view the status of expense reports and open, create, copy, or delete expense reports.

Sort Information

You can sort information on the dialog box by report date, name, or status. To sort information, click the appropriate column heading in the expense report list area of the form. For example, to sort by expense report date, click the Date column heading in the list.

You can sort information in ascending or descending order. Click a column heading once to establish a sort order. Click the column heading again to reverse the sort order.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Time and Expense > Expense Report.
  2. Click Open on the Expense Report toolbar.


Field Description

When you enter an employee's number in this field, the expense reports for that employee display in the list on the Expense Report Selection dialog box. You can then open, copy, delete, or create a new expense report for the selected employee.

When you open the dialog box, your employee number appears in this field. To select a different employee, enter an employee number directly in this field, use the Quick Find feature, or click to select an employee using the Employee Lookup.

Your Expense Report access rights determine which employee numbers are available to you.

  • If you have Staff access to the Expense Report application, you cannot change the employee number.

  • If you have Group access to the Expense Report application, you can change the employee number and view a list of the expense reports belonging to any employee in your assigned groups.

  • If you have Company access to the Expense Report application, you can change the employee number and view a list of the expense reports belonging to any employee in your company.

  • If you have System access to the Expense Report application, you can change the employee number and view a list of the expense reports belonging to any employee in your firm.

Date This column displays the date the expense report was created.
Report Name This column displays the name of the expense report.

This column displays the status of the expense report: In Progress, Submitted, Approved, or Posted.

Posted expense reports display in this column only if you select the Show posted expense reports option.

Show posted expense reports Select this option to list posted expense reports in the dialog box, along with In Progress, Submitted, andApproved expense reports.
Open Click an expense report from the list, then click this option to open the selected report.
New Click this option to open a blank Expense Report form. Use the blank form to create a new expense report.

Click an expense report from the list, then click this option. Vision copies the expense information from the selected report to a new expense report. You can then edit and save the copy to create a new expense report.

When you copy an expense report, Vision does not copy the report name or the report date, nor does it copy dates or amounts for individual expense items.

Delete Select an expense report from the list, then click this option to delete the selected report from your database.
Cancel Click this option to close the dialog box without selecting an expense report to open or copy.
Help Click this option to view online help for the dialog box.