EAC Exceeds Baseline Alert Configuration Form

When you set up EAC Exceeds Baseline alerts, Vision will notify team members when the estimate-at-completion hours or amount exceeds the established baseline for the plan.

If you want the alert to only be sent to a small subset of the employees in the database, select employees on the Employee lookup in the alert configuration. When specific employees are selected, the individual employees will receive an alert with all of resources assigned or updated when the changes are saved.


To display the form, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Configuration > General > System Alerts.
  2. From the Folders field on the Alerts Configuration form, select Resource Planning.


Field Description
Alert Rule Name This field displays the names of existing alert rules; or, if you are creating a new alert rule, enter the name of the rule. You can change the name of an existing rule; however, all alert rule names must be unique.
Enabled Select this option to enable the rule. When the alert is Active, this feature allows you to enable only selected rules, without having to delete any unwanted rules. In other words, if the alert is Active, then Vision will run any one of its Enabled rules. If the alert is not Active, then Vision will not run any of its rules, even if rules are Enabled.
Languages This column displays if you use the Vision Multilingual module. Use this column to select the language for this alert. Only employees with the selected language receive the alert. However, if you leave this column blank, all employees receive this alert regardless of their designated language. For example, if you create an email alert for English US and English UK, then only the users that have English US or English UK in the Language field in the Employee Info Center receive that message. The system administrator must set up a separate alert rule for Spanish employees to receive a message in Spanish. The Language field displays <languages selected> if any languages are selected.
Send To
Principal-in-Charge Select this option if you an alert to be sent to the principal associated with the plan.
Project Manager Select this option if you want an alert to be sent to the project manager associated with the plan.
Supervisor Select this option if you want an alert to be sent to the supervisor associated with the plan.
Selected Employees On the Employee Lookup, select the employee(s) to which you want an alert to be sent.
Alert Criteria
Selected Plans On the Plan lookup, select the plans for which you want to be alerted.
Schedule Select how often you want Vision to check the selected plans to see if EAC has exceeded baseline. You have the following options: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly.
Notify if the following exceeds baseline

These options determine whether the alert is triggered when the EAC Cost, Billing, and/or Hours exceed the baseline. You need to select at least one of these options. This field is used in conjunction with the For the following areas field.

For example, if Cost and Billing are selected in this section, and Labor is selected in the For the following areas section, then an alert will be sent if the labor cost of billing exceeds the baseline.

EAC & JTD Date Basis

These options determine how the alert is triggered for EAC and JTD Date basis. Select one of the following options:

  • Current Date — Use today's date as the trigger if the EAC or JTD exceeds the baseline.

  • Period End Date — Use the defined period end date as the trigger if the EAC or JTD exceeds the baseline.

For the following areas

These options determine whether the alert is triggered when the Total for All, Labor, Expenses, Consultant, or Unit EAC exceeds the baseline. You need to select at least one of these options. This field is used in conjunction with the Notify if the following exceeds baseline field above.

If you select Total for All, then the alert is sent if the EAC total exceeds the total baseline for those items selected in the Notify if the following exceeds baseline field.

Delivery Options

You can select one or both of these options.


Select this option if you want Vision to send the alert via email. If you select this option, complete the Email Options fields.


Select this option if you want Vision to send the alert via the dashboard.

Email Options If you selected Email for the delivery option, these fields are activated.
Subject Enter the subject text for the email.
Message Enter the message text for the email. You can either enter text directly in this field or you can use the text editor, which provides formatting tools.