Process Queue Detail Dialog Box

Use the Process Queue Detail dialog box to view or modify processes that you submitted. Depending on your security status, you may also be able to view or modify processes submitted by other users.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Utilities > Process Server > Queue Manager.
  2. Select a process and click   Detail.


Field Description
Process ID This field displays the process ID.
Submitted This field displays the date/time when the process was submitted.
Start After This field displays the next date/time when the process will be run (or afterward if Vision is not running at that moment). For example, Every Wednesday.
Send Process Status Email Alert to Submitter Select this option to create process alerts that are generated when future jobs run.
Recurrence Pattern This field displays a description of the interval or frequency of process runs (for example, Every 2 Minutes).
Process Detail grid This grid displays the process detail information.
Termination Message Click this option to display any errors generated by the job, in case the job did not complete successfully.
Refresh Click this option to refresh and reload the grid to display actions that occurred since you opened the dialog box.
Process Parameters grid This grid displays the names and values of parameters for the job.