Users who connect to the English International data cubes in Excel must perform an additional task to ensure that Vision dimensions, measures, and system labels display in the English International language in the Excel PivotTable Field List.
For this additional step, users must add a locale identifier code to the connection string in the .odc file for each Project and General Ledger data cube. You complete this procedure one time.
To add a locale identifier code to the connection string in a data cube .odc file, complete the following steps:
For the XP operating system: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\My Data Sources
For Windows 7: C:\Users\<username>\My Documents\My Data Sources
Project data cube: <your Vision server name> Deltek Vision Analysis <your Vision database name>_en-GB Project OLAP Cube.odc
General Ledger data cube: <your Vision server name> Deltek Vision Analysis <your Vision database name>_en-GB General Ledger OLAP Cube.odc
Project data cube: <your Vision server name> Deltek Vision Analysis <your Vision database name>_en-GB Project OLAP Cube.odc
<odc:ConnectionString>Provider=MSOLAP.4;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=True;Data Source=camdbprd4\sql2008r2;Initial Catalog=Deltek Vision Analysis - <your database name>_en-GB </odc:ConnectionString>
<odc:ConnectionString>Provider=MSOLAP.4;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=True;Data Source=camdbprd4\sql2008r2;Initial Catalog=Deltek Vision Analysis - VisionEuropaQCMCMCML_Cubes_fr-FR;Locale Identifier=2057</odc:ConnectionString>
Note the semicolon before Locale Identifier=2057.
In Excel, the Vision dimensions, measures, and system labels in the PivotTable Field list for the data cube are now displayed in the English International language.