Posting Log Review

The Posting Log Review report provides a list of all posting logs generated during the current period, regardless of the transaction type. Review this report for any processing run that was not successful and not canceled. This report may indicate a possible posting interruption, which could affect your data integrity.

This report logs all activities that change the database. Therefore, in addition to the regular transaction postings, this report also lists:


To display the report, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Utilities > Period Setup.
  2. On the grid toolbar of the Period Setup form, click Posting Log Review.


Field Description
Owning Company If you are using the Multicompany feature, this field displays the name of the company that owns the transaction entry.
Posting Sequence

This field displays the unique number assigned to this transaction during posting. This number is period-specific and restarts when you open a new period. Posting Sequence numbers are system-assigned numbers that allow you to track a posting process. Vision assigns the posting sequence/run number when you initiate the posting.

The posting sequence number allows you to do the following:

  • Reproduce posting logs.

  • Keep track of multiple sessions for multiple users.

  • Maintain a tight audit trail for the General Ledger Account Analysis report.

Creator This field displays the username of the employee who posted the transaction.
Posting Date This field displays the date and time that the transaction was posted.
Transaction Type This field displays the type of transaction that was posted. See the Transaction Center section of the help for a complete list of transaction types.
File Name This field displays the name of the file posted.
Completed A Y displays if the posting completed successfully, with no errors.
Canceled A Y displays if the posting run was canceled.
Removed If the posting was removed via the Undo Posting utility, this field is selected.

The entry in this field depends on the transaction type.

Transaction Type What Displays in the Comment Field
AL The type of key conversion that generated this entry, for example Project Number Convert.
AP, CD, CR, DV, ER, EP, EX, IN, JE, LA, MI, PR, TS, UN The number of records posted and the period in which they were posted, for example 1 recs, Pd end 5/15/14.
BA Whether this was a benefit accruals or benefit adjustments processing run.
BE, BL, BU The type of transfer performed during an Interactive Billing session, for example Billing - Labor.
CD Void check(s), if this is a voided cash disbursement check.
CP For example, Change profit center.
CV Void check(s), if this is a voided cash receipt check.
EP Void checks(s), is this is a voided expense advance and reimbursement check.

For AP Payment Processing sessions, the point of the process you are at when this report was run, for example Selecting Auto.

Void check(s) for a voided AP Payment Processing check.

PY For Payroll Processing sessions, the point of the process you are at when this report was run, for example Selecting Auto.