Employee Info Center Form
Use the Employee Info Center form to enter and review information about your employees, link related files and Info Center records to your employee records, and schedule employee activities.
Related Topics
- Display the Employee Info Center Form
You display the Employee Info Center form from the Info Center menu. - Toolbar of Employee Info Center
Use the toolbar options to work with employee records. - General Tab of Employee Info Center
Use the General tab to enter, edit, or review an employee’s profile information, including employee name, ID number, organization, title, phone numbers, and other personal information. - Personal Tab of Employee Info Center
Use the Personal tab to enter, edit, or review an employee's address, home phone number, Social Security number, and other personal information. - Accounting Tab of Employee Info Center
Use the Accounting tab to enter, edit, or review employee accounting information. - Payroll Tab of Employee Info Center
Use the Payroll tab to enter, edit, or review employee payroll information. This tab is available if you use Vision Payroll. - Experience Tab of Employee Info Center
Use the Experience tab to enter, edit, or review information about an employee's experience, including their skills, education, and professional licenses or registrations. - Time Tab of Employee Info Center
Use the Time tab to enter and maintain administrative information related to Vision Time. You designate timesheet administrators in your company who can review, edit, and approve the submitted timesheets before they are posted to your Vision database. - Expense Tab of Employee Info Center
Use the Expense tab to enter and maintain administrative information related to Vision Expense Report, an expense tracking tool that employees use to enter and submit expense reports. - Projects Tab of Employee Info Center
Use the Projects tab to associate one or more projects with an employee. You associate a project record with an employee record by adding it to the Projects grid on the Projects tab. Both records reflect the association. - CRM Info Tab of Employee Info Center
Use the CRM Info tab to maintain a central storage location for all sales related data for the CRM application. You can keep track of all employee sales detail, from every opportunity in the pipeline to every scheduled activity. You can also schedule employee activities directly from individual employee records. - Files Tab of Employee Info Center
Use the Files tab to link one or more external text files, graphics files, or email messages to an employee record. When you add a file to the Files grid, Vision creates a hyperlink between the file path specified in the File Path field on the grid and the file. Click the file path to open the file from the current record. - Resumes Tab of Employee Info Center
Use the Resumes tab to enter, edit, or review employee resume information. This information is useful when you need to locate employee and consultant resumes as you generate proposals. - Associations Tab of Employee Info Center
Use the Associations tab to associate one or more client or contact records with an employee record. You can associate your firm's current clients and contacts and prospective clients and contacts for future work. - Documents Tab of Employee Info Center
Use the Documents tab to associate a document with an employee record. You can check out a document for exclusive access, edit it, and then check it back in to make it available to other users. You can also view the document's version history. - Assets Tab of Employee Info Center
Use this tab to view asset items that an employee is currently assigned to.
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