AP Vouchers

You can enter or modify accounts payable vouchers for the vendors in your database. You can enter new vouchers with one or more detail lines, and you can also modify amounts on previously entered and posted vouchers.

You can also create vouchers from purchase orders in Accounts Payable.

Vision tracks vouchers based on the invoice number, invoice date, and vendor number. If you duplicate this detail, Vision displays a warning. Cancel unless your intention is to modify, reclassify, or reverse the existing voucher.

Vision automatically assigns a voucher number during transaction entry. The voucher number is an internal identification number. You can use this voucher number to maintain a tighter audit trail on AP vouchers. To review voucher numbers, preview or print the AP Voucher posting log.

Use the Voucher Lookup to search for and select the vouchers or invoices you want to open. You may further refine the voucher and invoice criteria by using the Search By and Search Text fields on the lookup results form. The Voucher Lookup returns voucher number, invoice number, date, and amount information for the selected search criteria.

AP Voucher Notes

  • If you are modifying information other than the amount (for example, the project, task, or account), you must first reverse out the original entry and then re-enter the original transaction with the adjusted amount. If you do not reverse out the original entry, both voucher line amounts will display on your General Ledger under the new project, phase, task, or account number.
  • The copy and reverse options create new line items and do not replace the existing line item. When you copy a line, Vision copies the description, project, phase, task (if any), account number, and zero for the line item amount. When you reverse a line, Vision copies the description, project, task (if any), account number, and a negative line item amount.
  • You can determine the posting run number by viewing the original AP Vouchers Posting Log or the General Ledger Account Analysis report for the transaction.
  • Use the posting log to determine the information to enter to duplicate the voucher.


During a voucher posting, Vision performs the following actions:

  • Debits explicitly the amount specified on each detail line to the specified account.
  • Debits the project specified unless posting to a balance sheet or other revenue and expense account, if you are not using organizations.
  • Credits implicitly the total voucher amount to the Accounts Payable liability account via an Accounts Payable liability code for the voucher.
  • Updates team information for each level of the work breakdown structure when using Vision Planning.

Posting Log

Use a posting log to view information about a batch of transactions. Vision produces a posting log each time that you post a transaction file.

In addition to the posting log, Vision generates a General Ledger summary for Accounts Payable vouchers. This report lists the general ledger accounts that were affected by the posting. The report shows the total amounts debited and credited to each account. If the Tax Auditing option is enabled in Configuration > Accounting, tax-related fields will also display on the report.


  • If you are using the Multicompany feature, you can modify or post only those transaction files owned by the active company.
  • If you are also using the Intercompany Billing feature, part of the Multicompany feature, it is possible for your company to generate intercompany invoices and Accounts Payable vouchers. On the Transaction Entry form, intercompany Accounts Payable vouchers are labeled as created by Intercompany Billing and the filenames follow the format: ICBill Voucherdate company
  • When you posting intercompany Accounts Payable voucher files, Vision uses the entries for the corresponding subledger, only. These postings will not generate a General Ledger summary on the posting logs. In addition, the identifier of the link company will be included in the voucher table in the database.

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