Personal Tab of Employee Info Center
Use the Personal tab to enter, edit, or review an employee's address, home phone number, Social Security number, and other personal information.
To ensure the confidentiality of personal information, only users with the appropriate security access can view the information on the Personal tab.
If you use Vision Multicompany, the following applies:
- The data that you enter on this tab applies to the company that the current record is associated with.
- The tabs and fields that display are based on the company that the current record is associated with. For example, if the employee is associated with four different companies but only one company has access to Vision Payroll, the Payroll tab of the Employee Info Center will only display when you are viewing that company's record.
- The values that are available in the individual fields/lookups are based on the company that the record is associated with. For example, the Timesheet Groups that are available in the Group drop-down are only those Timesheet Groups that are associated with the current company.
- If the Automatically retrieve your record in Employee Info Center/Employee Review option is selected in User Options, the employee record that automatically loads will be for the home company that is associated with the current record. If the record is associated with multiple companies, the home company record will display first.
Parent Topic: Employee Info Center Form