Opportunity List General Tab

Use the General tab to select report options for the Opportunity List and to save sets of options for reuse.


Field Description
Report Name You can change the default report name.
Create Activity To create activities in the Calendar/Activities application when you generate the report, select this check box. When you generate the report, Vision displays the Activity dialog box so you can enter the activity information. Vision then creates an activity for each opportunity included on the report.
Grid Type Select the type of data for which you want to show additional columns.

The available sorting and grouping criteria vary based on your entry in Grid Type. For example, activities-related criteria are available if you select Activities, while criteria related to clients are available if you select Clients.

Only List <Grid Type> That Match Selections Select this option to filter the report based on the options that you selected in the Grid Type field and the Selection field of the Reports grid, from the Reporting application. If you are printing the report from the Info Center application, the report will be filtered based on the Grid Type field and the open or selected record.
Report In Select the currency to use for amounts:
  • Marketing Campaign Currency — The currency specified in Currency on the General tab of the Opportunity Info Center.
  • Presentation Currency — The currency you select in Presentation Currency.
Presentation Currency If you selected Presentation Currency in Report in, select the three-character ISO code for the currency. (The list includes only the currencies that are enabled for your enterprise.)

All amounts on the report will be presented in this currency. Vision calculates the exchanges between the opportunity currency and the presentation currency based on the date you specify in Exchange Rate as of.

Exchange Rate as of If you selected Presentation Currency in Report in, specify the date Vision should use to calculate exchanges between the presentation currency you select and the opportunity currency. Vision determines the correct exchange rates in the daily exchange rate table based on this date.
Print Final Totals Select this check box if you want a line at the end of the report that shows total amounts for the entire report.
Summarize Opportunity Detail Select this check box to generate a summary version of the report.
Client Hierarchy Lookup If you are using client hierarchies and you want to generate the report for a client hierarchy, select a client in that hierarchy.

The report includes the entire hierarchy of which the selected client is a part.

Example: If you select Navy, the report includes Navy and the entire hierarchy associated with Navy. That is, it includes both parent records and child records. If Department of Defense is the parent of Navy, and Navy is the parent of NAVSEA, the following are true:

  • If you select Department of Defense in the Client Hierarchy lookup, the report includes detail for all clients associated with Department of Defense, Navy, and NAVSEA.
  • If you select Navy on the lookup, the report shows a header but no detail for Department of Defense and includes complete details for Navy and NAVSEA.
  • You cannot select NAVSEA, because it is not the parent of another client.