General Tab of Weblink Utility

Use the General tab to specify the database connection information, such as the server name, user name, and password.

You can also disable the process server or the server-to-server synchronization server on a given database.


Field Description
Current Database Select the database that you want to configure. Use the menu to add or remove databases from this list.
  • New — Click this option to add a database to the list of databases available for configuration.
  • New > Copy Current — Select a database from the list and click Copy Current to copy all information except the name of the database into a new record. After you copy an existing database record, enter a new database name, edit other configuration information, and click Save.
  • Delete — Select a database and click this option to delete the database information from the Weblink utility.
SQL Server Enter the name of the database server, as entered in Microsoft SQL Server.
Database Name Enter the name of the Vision database to which you are connecting.
Description Enter the description for the preceding database, as it will appear on the Vision logon form.
Windows Authentication

Specify a Windows User account to use to connect to your SQL Server database. This user account must have been created as a valid user account in SQL Server and must have the appropriate rights to the Vision database.

This account also needs to be configured as the Identity of the IIS Application Pool. The default Application Pool is DeltekVisionAppPool and the default identity is a local administrator account, 'r;DeltekVision' which is created by the Vision installation.

If you select this check box, then the SQL Username and SQL Password fields are disabled. The Windows username and password will be used instead.

If you do not select this check box, then you must specify a database username and password to use.

SQL Username Enter the username of the Microsoft SQL Server administrative account who will manage this database. By default, this is DeltekVision, but it can be any SQL username that you want to specify. Deltek does not recommend using the sa account.

The account you specify should be configured in its SQL Server Login Properties to use English as the default language.

SQL Password Enter the corresponding password for this user account.
Enable FILESTREAM Select this option to enable the Transactional Document Management (TDM) feature in Vision. TDM provides support for uploading and attaching documents to various types of transactions and proposals.

When you select this option, the following occurs:

  • The default values display in the FILESTREAM SQL Server and FILESTREAM Database Name fields.
  • If you test the database connection, the necessary TDM tables are reviewed. If these tables are not configured correctly, the Weblink utility asks you if it should create the necessary tables. Click Yes in response to the prompt to create the tables. You can test again to confirm a successful connection.

Additional FileStream configuration information is available in the Deltek Vision Advanced Technical Administration Guide.

FILESTREAM SQL Server This field is enabled when the Enable Transactional Document Management option is selected.
  • If the FileStream SQL Server is located on the same SQL Server as the Vision database, the Vision name defaults into this field.
  • If the FileStream SQL Server is not located on the same server as the Vision database, enter the name of the FileStream SQL Server in this field.
FILESTREAM Database Name This field is enabled when the Enable FILESTREAM option is selected. This field displays the name of the FileStream database, which defaults to match the Vision database name with the word Files appended at the end. For example, for a database named Vision, the FileStream Database name is VisionFiles.

You can modify the FileStream database name.

Disable Process Server Select this option if you do not want to use this database for scheduled jobs. If selected, this database is not polled for jobs.

If you change this option (select or clear it), you must restart your process servers for the change to take effect.

Disable Server to Server Synchronization Select this option if you do not want to use the current database for server to server synchronization.
Virtual Dir (optional) Enter a specific virtual directory (for example, VisionTest) for this database to appear as an available database only for the specified virtual directory. If you leave this field blank, the database will be accessible by all virtual directories on a given Web server.
SaaS / Hosted Instance If you are setting up a Deltek First Vision Essentials cloud version of Vision (a hosted instance of Vision), select this check box. This option enables Deltek, or other vendors who offer hosted instances of Vision, to hide or disable system-level functionality that is not appropriate in a "software as a service" environment.

When you select this check box, the following are no longer available to users of the hosted instance of Vision:

  • Location of Reports on Application Server field on the Load Reports tab of the Report Server form (Utilities > Report Administration)
  • Report Printers tab of the Report Server form (Utilities > Report Administration)
  • Process Server Management form (Utilities > Process Server > Server Management)
  • Backup Database utility (Utilities > Backup Database)
  • Email Server, Port, Username, Password, and Application URL fields on the Email tab of the General System Settings form (Configuration > General > System Settings)
  • Servers tab of the General System Settings form (Configuration > General > System Settings)
  • Report Printers option on the Functional Areas drop-down list on the Access Rights tab of the Roles form (Configuration > Security > Roles)
  • Windows Authentication, Domain, and Report Printer on the General tab of the Users form (Configuration > Security > Users)
  • Option to select a printer in Default Printer on the Reporting tab of the User Options dialog box (Options on the Vision main toolbar)

When you select this check box, the Number of days to retain audit history field, in the Info Center Audit Trail section on the Audit Trail tab in Configuration > General > System Settings, allows a value of only 30 or less.

If you need to restore this functionality, clear the check box.

Save Select this option to save your changes.
New Select this option to create a new database entry.
Delete Select this option to delete the current database entry.
Test Click this option to test the connection for the session state storage database.

If the database specified in the Database Setup field does not contain the necessary tables to store the session state, the Weblink utility asks you if it should create the necessary tables when you test the connection. Click Yes in response to this prompt to create the tables and configure the specified database for session state storage.

Change Password Select this option to change your Weblink password.
Delete Old Databases This option is typically used for internal Deltek purposes. Click this button to remove all databases whose version is different from the database version used with Vision (for example, if you are running multiple databases at one site, perhaps in a test scenario). Weblink also removes all databases to which a connection cannot be made.

If there are any pending Weblink changes, a message displays asking if these changes should be saved before removing the old database. After the old and unreachable databases are removed, Weblink is refreshed with the new data.

Automatically check Windows Authentication check box in Vision login screen Select this check box to make the Windows Authentication check box selected by default.
Allow RDL files to be uploaded in Report Administration Select this option to enable the Custom Reports tab in Utilities > Report Administration. The Custom Reports tab is the Vision interface that facilitates the upload of custom RDL files.

If your firm uses the Deltek First Vision Essentials cloud version of Vision, the Report Administration utility will also be hidden if this check box is not selected.

Help Select this option to access online Help for the Weblink utility.