Employee Payroll History Form

Use the Employee Payroll History form to enter information about employee payroll postings during the current quarter and year.


To display the form, complete the following step:

From the Vision Navigation menu, click Utilities > History Loading > Payroll.


Header Information

Field Description
Employee Select the employee record for which to enter historical data.
Functional Currency Code

If you use the Multicurrency feature, this is the 3-digit ISO code assigned to the functional currency. The functional currency is the currency of the primary economic environment in which a company operates. Normally, this is the currency in which cash is generated and expended by the company.

For example, a company located in France would normally use the euro as its functional or "home" currency. Amounts on General Ledger reports display using your company's functional currency.

Reg Hours This field displays the employee's hours. Hourly information is entered in Vision Timesheet Transaction Entry or Vision Timesheets.
Ovt Hours This field displays the employee's overtime hours, as entered in Vision Time and Expense. Overtime hours must be entered in a separate overtime field (or fields) in Vision Timesheet Transaction Entry or Vision Timesheets to be considered overtime hours by Vision.
Ovt-2 Hours This field displays the employee's secondary overtime hours reported for the W2 year and quarter. Overtime hours must be entered in a separate overtime field (or fields) in Vision Timesheet Transaction Entry or Vision Timesheets to be considered overtime hours by Vision.
Reg Pay This field displays the employee's regular pay reported for the W2 year and quarter.
Ovt Pay This field displays the employee's overtime pay reported for the W2 year and quarter.
Ovt-2 Pay This field displays the employee's secondary overtime pay reported for the W2 year and quarter.
Other Pay This field displays any other, or supplemental, pay the employee receives. This amount does not vary from period to period. For example, other pay may be a living allowance or hazardous duty pay.

Grid Options

Field Description
Insert To insert a new row, click this option.
Copy To copy a row, select the row that contains the entry that you want to copy and click this option. Modify the entry as necessary and save the new entry.
Delete To delete the entry from the grid, select the row containing the entry you want to delete and click this option.

Withholdings Grid

Field Description

This grid displays the withholding codes and wage amounts for the selected employee. The withholding codes and rates are designated in the Employee Info Center.

If withholding information has not been entered for the employee, no data will display in this grid.

Description This field displays a description of the withholding.
QTD Withheld This field displays the employee's quarter-to-date withholdings. You can modify the amount by entering information directly in the grid.
YTD Withheld This field displays the employee's year-to-date withholdings. You can modify the amount by entering information directly in the grid.
QTD Wages This field displays the employee's quarter-to-date wages. You can modify the amount by entering information directly in the grid.
YTD Wages This field displays the employee's year-to-date wages. You can modify the amount by entering information directly in the grid.

Contributions Grid

When contributions have been made, you can use this grid to view or modify the data.

Field Description
Code This grid displays employer contribution amounts. The employer contribution codes and rates are designated in the Employee Info Center.
Description This field displays a description of the contribution.
QTD Employer Amount This field displays the employer's quarter-to-date contribution for the selected code. You can modify the amount by entering information directly in the grid.
YTD Employer Amount This field displays the employer's year-to-date contribution for the selected code. You can modify the amount by entering information directly in the grid.
QTD Wages This field displays the employee's quarter-to-date wages for the selected code. You can modify the amount by entering information directly in the grid.
YTD Wages This field displays the employee's year-to-date wages for the selected code. You can modify the amount by entering information directly in the grid.