
Subtask Table Columns

Field Description

Select the Load check box if you want this line to load into your timesheet automatically when you open a new timesheet.

If you no longer want a charge to appear automatically, clear this check box.

Work Pct

Some companies use the Generate Exception-Based Timesheets feature to generate timesheets containing default hours for their employees. The amount of time assigned to each charge is based on a work percentage. (For example, if you work half of your time on the same task each day, 50% of your time is charged to that task).

If your timesheet is generated in this way, a Work Pct column displays in the table. You must supply a work percentage for each favorite, and the percentages for all favorites must total 100%. Enter the percentages as whole numbers, 0 to 100.


Your timesheet may be set up to automatically enter holiday hours when it loads favorites.

If so, a Holiday column displays in the Favorites table. You must have one and only one favorite designated as a holiday charge.

Select the Holiday check box if the favorite is for holiday time.


Your timesheet may be set up to automatically enter scheduled vacation hours when it loads favorites.

If so, a Vacation column displays in the Favorites tree. You must have one and only one favorite designated as a vacation charge.

Select the Vacation check box if the favorite is for vacation time.