Charge Tree Lookup Dialog Box
When you click in any of the cells that contain primary charge codes (UDT01 or UDT02) on the left pane of the timesheet, you will see a dialog box with a charge tree. The only exception is if your timesheets are set up to provide charge lookups directly from the Costpoint database.
You can drill down through the charge tree to find the charge that you need.
Primary Charges
Depending on how your company's timesheets are set up, the primary charge field can be either UDT01 or UDT02 .
- If UDT02 and UDT01 are not linked, UDT01 is the primary charge field. If you click in the UDT01 field, the Charge Tree Lookup displays. Only those UDT01 s that have Time or Both selected as the Type in the UDT01 Types screen display in the Charge Tree Lookup. If you click in the UDT02 field after selecting a valid UDT01, the Simple Lookup displays.
- If UDT02 and UDT01 are linked, UDT02 is the primary charge field. You can access the Charge Tree Lookup from both fields until you select a charge in one of the fields. Then you will see the Simple Lookup for the remaining field.
Tree Graphic
A charge tree graphic displays at the top of the screen to show you your progress as you drill down into a tree and its branches. This provides two benefits:
- It provides a map of how you arrived at the charges you are looking up.
- Each of the levels is a hyperlink. You can quickly backtrack to a higher level by clicking the corresponding link.
If you generate a list of charges using a filter, and want to clear the filter, click on the Charge Trees link to start fresh.