Subscriptions and Issues

As mentioned, a subscription can either be periodical or correspond to a standing order with invoicing per delivery.

Due to the integration with the Sales Orders module, a periodical subscription is registered as an item in the Inventory module. The price of the item corresponds to the price of the issues delivered during a given period. The item corresponds to the price of delivery of the issues which are published within a period of a specified duration. A subscription to a magazine published once a month is an example of this. If a customer orders a biannual subscription, the customer will place a subscription order for a subscription for which invoicing covers six months, that is, the delivery of six issues.

The invoicing of a periodical subscription is, among other things, based on the invoicing form and due date which together determine the time at which the invoicing of a subscription takes place. The invoice form of a quarterly subscription can, for example, be quarterly prepayment, that is, prepayment for three months at a time, while the invoice due date states the date on which invoicing is to be carried out. Invoicing is determined by the selected invoicing form. The first time invoicing of a periodical subscription is carried out, invoicing will take place from the start date of the first invoicing due date. Subsequently, invoicing typically takes place for one period at a time in accordance with the period entered for the selected invoicing form. Thus, the price of a periodical subscription covers all issues in the current period, which leads to the creation of an extra order line on the sales order being invoiced. This order line will form the basis of the invoicing of the current subscription order.

A subscription is regarded as a standing order if invoicing is not carried out periodically, and invoicing of such a subscription follows delivery.

Finally, it is possible to invoice subscription orders on account. An invoice on account is created on the basis of the amounts entered in the island Invoice On Account in the window Subscription Orders. The invoice on account is posted by accruing the amount invoiced on account on the current customer’s account. The tax amount invoiced on account is posted on the account for the tax code registered on the subscription order. At the final invoicing of the subscription order, the amount invoiced and the assigned tax amount are balanced against the amount invoiced on account and the tax amount invoiced on account, respectively.