Periodic Statement Tab

This section includes fields and descriptions for the Periodic Statement tab of the Company Customer workspace.

Periodic Statement Tab

Field Description
Opening/Closing Balance, Currency This is the customer's current balance in the company customer's standard currency.
Opening/Closing Balance, Base This is the customer's current balance in the base currency of the company customer.
Last Statement No. This field shows the number of the last historical statement printed out for the company customer.
Date of Last Statement This is the date on which the company customer's last historical statement was created. The field is automatically updated by Maconomy.
Balance, Currency This field displays the company-specific customer's balance in the standard currency of the customer. Maconomy updates the balance when you post journals with customer entries. It cannot be changed.
Balance, Base This field displays the customer's balance in the base currency of the customer's settling company. Maconomy automatically updates the balance when you post journals with customer entries. It cannot be changed.

Entries Island

Field Description
Entry Date This is the entry date of the entry line.
Description This is the entry text of the entry line.
Transaction No. This field shows the transaction number of the entry.
Transaction Type This field shows the transaction type of the entries.
Debit, Standard This is the entry amount in standard currency if the entry is a debit entry.
Credit, Standard This is the entry amount in standard currency if the entry is a credit entry.
Remainder, Standard This field displays the amount which remains to be reconciled in the customer's standard currency.
Open/Closed This field shows whether the entry is open or closed.
Original Currency Copy to come.
Original Amount Copy to come.
Debit, Base This is the entry amount in base currency if the entry is a debit entry.
Credit, Base This is the entry amount in base currency if the entry is a credit entry.
Remainder, Base This field displays the amount which remains to be reconciled in the customer's base currency.
Statement No. Copy to come.
Level Copy to come.
Interest Charge Amount, Currency Shows the amount that has been charged as interest to the company-specific customer.
Assessment Date Copy to come.
Date Posted Copy to come.
Original Due Date Copy to come.
Journal No. Copy to come.
Date Reconciled Copy to come.