Invoicing Subscriptions

As mentioned, the invoicing of subscription orders as standing orders takes place from the window Print Invoice in the Sales Orders module.

Here you enter a range of subscription numbers and invoice dates. Furthermore, the field “Create Subscription Invoices” must be marked to allow invoicing. For a more detailed description, see the description of the window Print Invoice in the chapter “Sales Orders” in the reference manual.

As mentioned above, the invoicing of periodical subscription orders starts in the window Prepare Subscription Invoicing as you create sales order lines for the subscription order. The creation of sales order lines enables you to invoice the current subscription order via the Sales Orders module. In the window Print Invoice in the Sales Orders module, you can then print out the invoice itself. In the window Subscription Order Lines, you can inspect the sales order lines created through the window Prepare Subscription Invoicing.

The invoicing of a subscription is based on the invoicing form and due date. The invoicing of a periodical subscription is carried out for a period at a time, whereas the invoicing of a standing order follows each delivery.

Invoicing of a subscription order assigned to a job in the Job Cost module is done via the window Subscription Orders. In the island Job Cost, you can specify to which job, activity, and task the current subscription order is to be assigned, and by marking the field “Invoice in Job Cost” you can specify that the current subscription order is to be invoiced in the Job Cost module. However, invoicing via the Job Cost module is only possible if the current subscription order has been assigned to a job.

Note that if subscription orders are invoiced in the Job Cost module, no accrual will be carried out neither in the Job Cost module nor in the G/L module. This also means that one job entry will be created for the entire order amount. If the subscription order is assigned to a job, but the field “Invoice in Job Cost” has not been marked, one job entry will be created for the total invoiced amount in the Job Cost module, while accrual will be made for the amount as usually in the G/L module. This accrual is thus not reflected in the Job Cost module.