Registering Time

The time you spend should be registered on a combination of job, activity, and usually task.

  • The job represents your agreement with the customer, and is the link between your registration and the customer. A job can be internal, meaning that the time you register on it is not billed to a customer.
  • The activity is the link between the Job Cost module and the General Ledger. By specifying an activity, you tell Maconomy how to post your registration in the G/L module. Each activity has a number of posting references associated with it in the window Activities. Activities are further divided into time and amount activities. Amount activities are used for registering expenses on a job other than time, for example photocopies, office supplies, or taxi rides. If the system parameter "Disallow reg. on amount act. in time sheets" is set, you cannot register on amount activities in this window, but must use the window Expense Sheets. The activity is often derived from the task.
  • The task constitutes an additional reporting level and helps build a workflow into the execution of a job. If you use a work breakdown structure (see the window Job Budgets), tasks are also used for dividing jobs into groups of related or interdependent tasks. Selecting the action “Require Tasks” in the window Job Tasks makes tasks mandatory in this window.

Instead of specifying these items separately, you may be able to select a favorite, which is a shortcut to specifying everything at the same time. For more information about favorites, see the description of the window Favorites.

These items (job, activity, and usually task) are required when you later submit the time sheet. However, if the system parameter "Allow Incomplete Time Registrations" is not set, the required items must be specified on each line before you can press Return to save the line. See also the description of the window SpeedSheet.

Apart from these required items, you can specify:

  • Additional dimensions, but these are usually completed by Maconomy.
  • Notes and descriptions regarding your time entry.
  • Estimates to completion if you use job progress estimates.
  • A description per day, if the tasks you register on require a daily description.

All of these things are specified in the sub-tab.

The main tab is used for displaying details about the current time sheet, including sums and time sheet status—that is, if the current time sheet has been submitted, transferred, approved, or reopened.

To use the time sheet as a regular employee (see also “Access Control” below), you need to make sure that you see your time sheet for the current week. When you create a time sheet, enter the desired week number in the field “Week” before pressing Return. Maconomy will then create a time sheet for your employee number for the week in question. Only one time sheet per week and employee can exist.

If you mark the field “Keep Line” in the sub-tab for certain time sheet lines, these lines will be copied to new time sheets when you create them, but without any time entered. They will automatically be copied to all new time sheets until you remove the mark from the field “Keep Line” on the lines in question.