
This section gives a high-level summary of the key features that are available in this release.

Note: For more information about the enhancements, see the Deltek Maconomy 2.6 Enhancements Guide.

Time & Expense

Feature Web Desktop Mobile

Restricted List of Employees on Proxy Expense Registrations

Deltek Tracking: 1278868

Maconomy now displays only the employees you can create expense sheets by proxy.

Monthly Time Sheets No Longer Supported

Deltek Tracking: 1470735

The Monthly Time Reporting functionality is removed in 2.6.

General Application Enhancements

Feature Web Desktop Mobile

New Maconomy Information Center

Deltek Tracking: 1599272

The new online Maconomy Information Center serves as a hub for all Maconomy documentation.

New Online Concepts Guide

Deltek Tracking: 1599272

The new Online Concepts Guide merges the former Concepts Guide with other end-user documents and brings the material online.

Debranding the Maconomy Web Client

Deltek Tracking: 1549295

Beginning with this release, Maconomy will stop using the "iAccess" brand for its web client.

Modernization of the Web Client

Deltek Tracking: 1389080

The web client has undergone some changes to improve the look of the interface and give it a more modern feel.

Line Number Column in Tables

Deltek Tracking: 1654643

Users can now add the Line No. column to tables in their web client workspaces.

The Web Analyzer

Deltek Tracking: 1217512, 1352308, 1462157, 1463988

This release introduces the Analyzer report functionality to the Maconomy web client. Users can now make ad hoc queries to the database and view the query results in table form.

To improve usability, some Analyzer reports are now renamed, restructured, and moved to a new folder location in the Java Analyzer.

Controlling iFrame Refresh

Deltek Tracking: 1544014

You can now use pane and field updates as triggers to refresh inline frames (or iFrames) embedded in your Maconomy web client workspaces. This ensures that your iFrames always reflect the latest information from the application.

Improved Editing Capability in the Maconomy Web Client

Deltek Tracking: 1015368

The Maconomy web client now allows you to open a record and edit the fields directly. You no longer need to select or click the Edit action first.

Export to Excel

Deltek Tracking: 1077734

Users can now export data from web client tables to spreadsheets using the new Export to Excel icon.

Improved Placement of Add Line Action

Deltek Tracking: 1277171

The Add Line action is now found above the table to make it easier for users to locate.

Additional Chart Options

Deltek Tracking: 1275019, 1577145, 1599758

Three additional chart types are now available for use in web client workspaces.

New Customer Payments Workspace in Web Client

Deltek Tracking: 1287241

The Customers menu section is renamed to Accounts Receivable. A new Customer Payments workspace is added to the Accounts Receivable menu section of the Web Client to enable you to create and post customer payment journals.

Skills Expiry Date for Employees' Skills

Deltek Tracking: 1618936

The Employees Skills table now includes an expiry date for assigned skills.

Restricted Access to Employee Data

Deltek Tracking: 1078403

Sensitive employee information is removed from several workspaces, and other security measures to ensure the protection of employee data are added, including new single dialogs to set up authorized access and new user actions.

Enhanced Access Control

Deltek Tracking: 1387233

The AbsenceEntryAndEmployee and AbsenceCalendarLineAndEmployee universes are removed.

Enhanced Approval Information in Info Bubbles

Deltek Tracking: 1167197

Additional approval information is now available when viewing info bubbles in the web client.

Long Text Single Dialog Workspaces

Deltek Tracking: 1564965

Single dialog workspaces for all fields using long text functionality are now available.

Resource Management

Feature Web Desktop Mobile

Calculation of Total Cost or Billing Price on Budgets Imported from People Planner

Deltek Tracking: 1487214

The total billing or cost price on budgets is now calculated as the sum of the billing or cost prices from resource allocation lines.

Project Management

Feature Web Desktop Mobile

Block Purchase Order Creation on Jobs

Deltek Tracking: 1287230

You can now block the creation of purchase orders on jobs.

Zero Value on Price List Lines

Deltek Tracking: 1176123

Prior to this release, the zero value on price list lines was used only to indicate that Maconomy should derive prices from a different source, such as an employee's sales price. You can now indicate that zero as a value should be used to calculate prices.

Transfer Job Quote Layout to Draft Invoice on Account

Deltek Tracking: 1238701

A quote layout can now be transferred to a draft invoice for invoices on account.


Feature Web Desktop Mobile

Support for Android 12L

Deltek Tracking: 1597344

Touch now supports the Android 12L mobile operating system.

Enhanced Touch Menu

Deltek Tracking: 151650

The Touch sliding menu features a new look and can be viewed in both portrait and landscape display modes.

Touch Online Help

Deltek Tracking: 1463516

You can now access the Touch Online Help from the app.

Touch Admin Guide

Deltek Tracking: 1530336, 1530340, 1530339

The Touch Admin Guide is introduced as the primary document for technical consultants.

MScript Removal

Deltek Tracking: 1065005

The MScript Touch API is no longer supported, and affects Touch installation and customization requirements.

Login Settings Moved to the configuration.ini File

Deltek Tracking: 1594337

The login settings used to set up credential authentication methods are moved to the configuration.ini / tenant.ini file.

Support for Windows Server 2022

Deltek Tracking: 1411120

The Touch 4.0 Installer now supports Windows Server 2022.


Feature Web Desktop Mobile

Company Specific Exchange Rate

Deltek Tracking: 519031

Company Specific Exchange Rate (CSER) enables corporations with companies in different countries to specify exchange rates at the company level. It has far-reaching impact, with updates to most workspaces and new fields for currency conversions.

Additional Tax Popup Fields

Deltek Tracking: 1194587

Several statutory reports require additional VAT popup fields to provide more information and differentiate VAT groups when reporting to the tax authorities. To support this, new tax popup fields are added to Maconomy.

Prevent Self-Approval for Proxy Approvers

Deltek Tracking: 1273308

This feature enhances the functionality that prevents self-approval in the approval hierarchies such that it also restricts self-approval through a proxy approver.

Allow Accrual to Exceed Price on Purchase Order Line

Deltek Tracking: 1240782

A new Allow Accrual to Exceed Price on Purchase Order Line system parameter is introduced to enable you to allow or prohibit accrual amounts that exceed the price on the purchase order line.

Renamed Single Dialog Workspaces

Deltek Tracking: 1231594

Previously, when users encounter the term Delete, it caused confusion whether the system would delete the entries. To address this issue, several single dialog workspaces are renamed, and the Delete Section is renamed as Remove Section.

New Invoice Received Date Field

Deltek Tracking: 1228082

A new Invoice Received Date field is added to the vendor invoice journal in the Vendor Invoices workspace to enable you to specify the date when you received the vendor invoice.

Conversations for Credit Control

Deltek Tracking: 1278070

You can now use the Conversations functionality in the Credit Control workspace in the Workspace Client.

New Approver Reference Type in Approval Hierarchies

Deltek Tracking: 1549420

This enhancement gives you more flexibility

in creating approval hierarchies where the approver cannot be found on the relation being approved or on a directly related relation.

BPM / Statutory

Feature Web Desktop Mobile

Dutch Audit File

Deltek Tracking: 1335385

The Dutch Audit File is added to support a statutory report requirement in the Netherlands.

New GL Audit Universe

Deltek Tracking: 1423832

A new GL Audit universe is introduced to report on finance entry data combined with VAT settlement entries.

Simplified ETL Upgrade

Deltek Tracking: 1221790

We have simplified the ETL upgrade mechanism to improve performance.

Statutory Report Email Notification

Deltek Tracking: 1029881

This email notification is used to alert you when a report or any XML-related export runs.

NSAFT Updates

Deltek Tracking: 1642131, 1642164, 1398483

Includes new and updated tag mapping and updated setup and limitations.

Removed Deprecated Functionality and Reports

Deltek Tracking: 1226080, 1599213

Removed deprecated objects and ETL functionality for ease in upgrading to a main version. Removed unused reports.

Improved Fiscal Period Objects in Finance Universe

Deltek Tracking: 1425036

The object titles and descriptions in the fiscal period folder of the Finance universe are updated for clarity, consistency, and efficiency.

Updated Universes

Deltek Tracking: 1526073, 1335385

The deprecated database fields are removed from BPM universes to match the Maconomy database schema.

AR Aging, AP Aging, and Tax settlement universes are updated.

Elster Update for ERiC 35.3

Deltek Tracking: 1564712

The Elster USTVA report is updated to reflect the changes to the interface and technical standards required by the ERiC 35.3 version update.

Cash Flow Statement Direct Method Report

Deltek Tracking: 1113821

The Cash Flow Statement Direct Method report is released and added to the Workspace Client.

Tax Code Country Added to NSAFT

Deltek Tracking: 1471497

The Country Tax Code is added to the NSAFT report schema as a mandatory field.

Norwegian VAT Summary Report

Deltek Tracking: 1486538

A new summary report is released to allow customers to manually file Norwegian VAT forms until an integration is complete.

Configurable Timeout for Background Tasks in NSAFT Report

Deltek Tracking: 1346144

The NSAFT report extension is updated to allow for the configuration of timeout settings on background tasks.

Reauthorization Prompts in UK Tax Submissions Workspace

Deltek Tracking: 1546383

Prompts are added to the UK Tax Submissions workspace to notify a user to reauthorize Maconomy by acquiring a new token from the HMRC website.


Feature Web Desktop Mobile

Access Control View Optimizations

Deltek Tracking: 1372495

Performance improvements, invisible to end users, have been made to access control views to provide a better user experience.

Server Optimization / Timestamp Triggers

Deltek Tracking: 1460222

We have removed TransactionTimestamp triggers on update and insert actions to improve performance.

People Planner

Feature Web Desktop Mobile

Additional Field Types in MyPlan

Deltek Tracking: 1627703

Additional booking information such as allocated hours is now available when you view a booking in MyPlan. Additionally, you can now view the hours, amount, or percentage of a resource when using the Search bar on a booking.

Desupported Task Selector

Deltek Tracking: 1506495

The task selector is removed from the Web Components as it is no longer supported in this release.

Redesigned Web Components

Deltek Tracking: 1594343, 1389080

This enhancement features a redesigned UI of the Web Components as part of the overall UI facelift in Maconomy.

Under/Overspend Feature Enhancements

Deltek Tracking: 1681570, 1681684

A confirmation message now displays when you reallocate under/overspent time or amounts using the Under/Overspend action. Aesthetic changes have also been made to the Under/Overspend column.

Export Project to Excel

Deltek Tracking: 1681522

You can now export an entire project based on its start and finish dates to Excel.

Improved License Checking in People Planner

Deltek Tracking: 1532648, 705406

This feature introduces a centralized license checker used by the Web Components, MyPlan, and the Windows Application. The previous file-based license checker is also desupported.

Note that this version requires a new license from the Global distribution team

Cryptography Key Enhancements

Deltek Tracking: 1081090

Improved security for encrypting/decrypting sensitive information is added in this release.


Deltek Tracking: 1570796, 1570797, 1570798

People Planner 4.3 is certified for the following:
  • Windows 11
  • MacOS Monterey
  • Windows Server 2022


Feature Web Desktop Mobile

iFrame Sandboxing

Deltek Tracking: 1508915

You can now implement enhanced security on inline frames (or iFrames) within the Maconomy web client, using the new permissions property.

System Admin

Feature Web Desktop Mobile

Moving Configuration of Authentication Methods for the Web Client from the Extender to MConfig

Deltek Tracking: 1467062

MConfig now supports not only the setup of your preferred authentication method but also that of your allowed methods.

Import Programs

Deltek Tracking: 1248393 , 1284522

Converted customized programs to standard programs.

Added new standard import program for conversations.

"Kerberos SSO" Login Desupported

Deltek Tracking: 1567178

The old Kerberos login configuration, "Kerberos SSO" is desupported and removed.

Removing Desupported and Discontinued Terms

Deltek Tracking: 1419337, 1508483, 1311527, 1290384, 1419707, 1601319, 1343443

Removed terms including Kona, Portal, and iAccess (replaced with Web Client).

Browser Setup / SPNEGO

Deltek Tracking: 1519114

Maconomy now supports multi-step protocol negotiations.

Database Index Handling

Deltek Tracking: 1421602

The database index handling process now includes support for index scripts useful for validating, creating, migrating, and maintaining indices in the Maconomy database.

Added Third Party SSO / MFA

Deltek Tracking: 1282027

To support statutory requirements, new 2FA parameters are implemented and an external 2nd factor is verified for a user session where the user logged in.

Export to Excel Row Summary

Deltek Tracking: 1521517

In order to enhance usability and also in support statutory requirements, we have added an option to include a count of the number of rows included in the file generated via the Export to Excel action in Maconomy.

Default webaccess.ini

Deltek Tracking: 1423370

A default webaccess.ini file is now included with Maconomy installations.

Limit Default Filetypes

Deltek Tracking: 1519044

We now limit default filetypes included in server.ini that are allowed to be uploaded into Maconomy.

Increase Allowed Number of Named Users

Deltek Tracking: 1523921

Customers are now able to increase their number of allowed named Maconomy users by performing a quick procedure in the Workspace Client.


Deltek Tracking: 1419337

  • Business Objects 4.2 SP9 Patch 4 - for BPM
  • Windows Server 2022 - for Maconomy
  • Windows 11 O/S - for Maconomy
  • SQL Server 2019 - for BPM
  • OEL 8 - for BPM
  • MacOS 12 Monterey - for Maconomy
  • iOS 15 - for web client and Touch
  • Android 12L - for Touch
  • Pentaho 9 - for BPM