Create Self-Invoice for Vendor

Use these steps to create a self-invoice for a vendor.

To create a self-invoice for a vendor:

  1. Your company signs an agreement with the vendor.

    The vendor is a subcontractor with employee credentials who registers time and expenses in your Maconomy system.

  2. For the specific vendor, enable the creation of self-invoices from purchase orders.

    You can also make it mandatory for the vendor to refer to a purchase order/purchase order line when registering time and expenses.

    Note: You can also opt to enable the creation of a self-invoice for specific purchase orders only. You can do this directly in the purchase order.
  3. Create a job.

    This is the job you will specify in the purchase order line. You can also create and specify a job after purchase order creation.

  4. Create a purchase order based on the terms of the agreement.
  5. The vendor performs work according to the agreement.
  6. The vendor registers and submits time and/or expense sheets.
  7. If approval hierarchies are set up: designated approvers from your company and/or the vendor approve the time/expense sheets.
  8. Create a self-invoice.

    You can create self-invoices one at a time, or by batch.

  9. Send the self-invoice.
  10. Whether you create self-invoices individually or in batches, you can only send them for approval individually.
    • If approval hierarchies are set up: The designated approver from your company (for example, someone from the accounting department or a project manager) approves the self-invoice.

    • Otherwise, send the self-invoice to your vendor (for approval within Maconomy, or outside of Maconomy).

  11. If there is a discrepancy between the purchase order details and the vendor’s registered time and expenses, resolve the difference before sending the self-invoice out.
  12. The vendor either approves or rejects the self-invoice:
    • If approved: Your company posts the invoice, and the vendor pays the amount due.

    • If rejected: You negotiate with the vendor, revise the invoice as needed, and resend the invoice.