Creating Budget Versions

In Maconomy, you can work with multiple versions of a budget. When creating budget entries, the entry is assigned the latest version number.

Using multiple versions can, for example, be useful if your budget evolves through several stages. The version number lets you track which version of the budget model, and thus at which stage of the budgeting process, a given budget entry is created. Versioning takes place in the window Budget Models.


In this example, you will be able to see which budget entries have been changed at the various stages of the approval of the budget.

  • The first version corresponds to your first presentation of the budget to the management.
  • The second version corresponds to your presentation of the revised budget to the management.
  • The third version corresponds to your presentation of the revised budget to the board of directors.
  • The fourth version corresponds to the approved budget.
  • The fifth version corresponds to significant budget changes due to increased costs.