Price Lists Concepts

You can define cost prices, billing prices, intercompany prices, markup percentages, and overtime charges. You can assign a price list to jobs.

This workspace displays one issue of the price list at a time. Each price list issue is identified by a job price name and an issue number. You can browse through the issues.

You assign a price list to each job in the Job Price Information workspace. Note, however, that lines in the price list can be superseded by price lines that you entered directly for the job in the Job Price Information workspace. You use price lists in all of the Job Cost workspaces where Maconomy calculates prices based on employee number and activity—for example, the Job Journal, Job Budgets, and Time Sheets workspaces.

When you press Return on a line in the subtab of a workspace where Maconomy calculates prices, and you specified a price list for the job in question, Maconomy searches the price list to find a cost price, an intercompany price, a billing price, and a markup percentage. Maconomy picks the prices based on the combination of activity, employee, task, and dimension values specified on the line. In addition, if you entered an overtime specification on the line, Maconomy calculates an additional overtime charge. If the price list line from which Maconomy calculated the original price does not include an overtime specification, Maconomy scans the price list for a line that has an overtime specification and an allocation combination that does not contradict that of the original line, and adds the overtime charge to the price.

If several lines in the table of this workspace match the combination of employee, activities, task, and dimension values that you entered on a line in, for example, a job budget, Maconomy picks the prices from the price list line that has the lowest line number. If you did not specify an amount on the line that has the lowest number, Maconomy does not pick the price from the next matching price list line. Instead, Maconomy retrieves the price from another workspace. For example, Maconomy retrieves the price from the employee's information card if the activity is a time activity.

You can select a line for adjustment or deletion by selecting the Marked field on the relevant line in the table. If you want to select all of the lines, you can use the Mark Lines action in the action menu. If you need to adjust cost prices, intercompany prices, billing prices, or markup percentages, enter the new prices in the Adjust Job Price List island and then use the Adjust Marked... action. When you use this action, Maconomy updates all of the lines for which you select the Marked field, according to the values that you enter in the Adjust Job Price List island. However, you can change the values on the lines manually.

If you need to delete some or all lines in a job price list, use the Delete Marked action. When you do this, Maconomy automatically deletes all of the lines for which you select the Marked field.

You can copy the lines from an existing job price list to a new price list using the Copy Job Price List... action.

Use the Delete Job Price List action to delete the currently displayed issue of the job price list. However, you cannot delete the latest issue of a price list.