
Workspaces showing absence information (data from absence calendar lines and absence entries) are limited to only show information about employees to which you have access, such as yourself and employees for which you are supervisor, absence approver, or secretary.

If you have access to see all absence, you can see absence for all employees.

The Absence Calendar Lines window shows all absence calendar lines for which you have access to the corresponding employee. Absence Calendar Lines should only show absence calendar lines for the current user employee and for employees for which current user employee is supervisor, absence approver or secretary.

If the See All Absence field on the user role is selected, then the window shows all absence calendar lines for which you have access to the corresponding employee.

Note: Maconomy does not have fields on absence calendar lines showing supervisor and absence approver, so this requires a cursor on a universe.

The Employee Absence Calendars window shows all employees to whom you have access. The sub-tab shows all absence calendar lines. Employee Absence Calendars only show the current user employee and employee for which the current user is supervisor, absence approver, or secretary.

The Approver Absence Overview window shows all employees to whom you have access. The sub-tab shows employees whose absence approver is the employee in the card part.

The Absence Transfer window shows all vacation calendars in companies to which you have access. The table part shows all employees to whom you have access, with that vacation calendar.