Employees Subbudget

This subbudget is only available if one of the lines of the associated main budget is of type Employee; if not, then it will not be possible to directly budget on employee income or expenses on the main budget.

The employees subbudget cannot be created on the budget template but is automatically created on main budgets when these are created from the template.

The employee subbudget contains a line for each employee associated with the department of the main budget. A user can automatically fetch and copy all employees associated with the department into this subbudget and also to create, modify, and delete employees to simulate changes in the headcount of the department. On the budget template, departments and employees are linked using dimensions. Note that any change done to (or deletion of) employees in this subbudget does not change or delete the ‘original’ employee in Maconomy. All changes only affect the budget employee in the budget module.

The lines on this subbudget are configured in a tree structure, where any root line (a line that has no parent line) is of type Employee, representing a single employee. The Employee line could have a number of subordinate lines of types Sum, Calculation, Manual, or Salary. Refer to Line Types for more information on the different line types.

All subordinate lines of the Employee line on the main budget are automatically copied onto the Employees subbudget for each employee created. So if, for example, the employee line on the main budget has one subordinate line, such as Salary line, then all employees created on the employees subbudget will have one subordinate Salary line.

When a change is made on a line in this subbudget, the corresponding line on the main budget is updated accordingly.