Email Alerts

Maconomy users find out about their pending tasks and updates to certain records via the Notifications functionality.

Notifications trigger To-Dos, which are listed in the To-Do portion of the Workspace Client. For example, by looking at this section of the interface, a supervisor can see any time sheets that need approval.

The Email Alerts feature works with Notifications by distributing emails to employees about their current notifications without them having to log on to Maconomy. This feature also allows you to do the following:

  • Send email alerts in test mode, and proofread the contents before sending out the alerts to users.
  • Send out the alerts manually, or automatically by enabling a script.
  • Use logs to capture information about email alerts sent out and their recipients. The logs are saved on the Maconomy server, or sent to a specified log mailbox.
  • Send out an email alert to an employee, and to that employee’s supervisor.
  • Create customized email alert templates to fit specific criteria. For example, you can save time and effort by creating a template for a specific set of notifications. You can also create a different template for each language used in the countries where your organization operates.

As a system administrator or super user, make sure certain prerequisites are in place before setting up email alerts. Details about prerequisites and setup are provided below.

Note: As a user, clicking the hyperlink in an email alert that you received only opens the Workspace Client, not the specific workspace where you need to address the notification you received.