Restore Invoices / Undo Cancel

You can undo a cancellation regardless of whether it was cancelled manually via the Cancel Pre-Invoice action, or automatically through printing of a T&M invoice.

Pre-invoices can also be uncancelled if you credit the T&M invoice that cancelled them.

Note: If you undo a cancel of a pre-invoice, it is not reported through Maconomy. Take care to inform the customer about this reinstatement, via another means, such as email.

Undo Via Action

To undo the cancellation / reinstate the invoice:
  1. Go to Jobs > Invoicing > Invoice.
  2. Click .

Restore Via Credit Memo

To undo via credit of the T&M invoice that cancelled the pre-invoice:
  1. Go to Jobs > Invoicing > Invoice Selection > More Actions.
  2. Click . The Invoice to Credit Memo dialog displays.
  3. In the From Invoice No. field, select the needed T&M invoice.
  4. Select the Restore Pre-Invoices check box. This field only displays if pre-invoices exist on the job, and it controls whether the credit memo will undo the cancellation of the pre-invoices.
  5. Click .
  6. Click .
  7. Click More Actions > Print Credit Memo.

    The credit memo displays the cancellation reversal at the bottom of the printout, and Invoice History is updated to show that this invoice is Pending Payment. Additionally, the Pre-Invoice Events tab is updated to show the cancellation is reversed, and references the T&M invoice number.