Copy Risk Lines from Another Job

When adding risk lines to a job, you also have the option to copy those from another job. Note that copying risk lines from another job deletes all existing risks already specified for the target job.

To copy risk lines from another job:

  1. Under the Jobs menu section, go to Jobs > Risk Management.
  2. Use the search filter and/or the Search field to select the job to which you want to add risk lines (that is, the target job).
  3. Click Copy Risks from Job.
    The Copy Risks wizard displays.
  4. In the From Job No. field, select a job from the drop-down.
  5. Click Copy Risks from Job.
    Maconomy copies the risks into the target job.
    Note: Once under the target job, the copied risks are updated as follows:
    • Any closed risks are now listed as open under the target job.
    • The Owner field is updated with the employee number of the user who copied the risks from the other job (usually the project manager of the target job).
    • The Due Date field is now blank. Specify a new due date for each risk line.