Central Concepts in the Subscription Module

The integration to the Sales Orders module means that the invoicing and delivery of a subscription order is carried out using the Sales Orders module.

The Subscription module itself is used for the registration and maintenance of subscriptions, subscription orders, and issues of relevance to the subscriptions.

The effect of the integration with the Sales Orders module means that a sales order is created whenever issues are transferred from a subscription to a subscription order. The created sales order corresponds to the subscription order in the sense that it contains information about the subscription upon which it is based. The sales order is used when delivery and invoicing of the subscription order is carried out.

A subscription can either be periodical, meaning that invoicing is carried out for a specified period each time, corresponding to a standing order, meaning that invoicing follows every delivery, or invoicing is carried out via an assigned job in the Job Cost module.

The invoicing of periodical subscription orders is initiated in the window Prepare Subscription Invoicing which leads to the creation of sales order lines for the relevant subscription order. In the window Print Invoice in the Sales Orders module, the subsequent invoicing takes place whereas delivery is carried out when a packing slip is printed out from the window Print Packing Slip in the Sales Orders module.

Invoicing of subscriptions, which are invoiced per delivery, is carried out from the window Print Invoice in the Sales Orders module, whereas the delivery of such subscriptions is carried out in the same way as the delivery of periodical subscriptions.

If a subscription is assigned to a job registered in the Job Cost module, invoicing can be done in the Job Cost module or in the Sales Orders module. A subscription order can only be assigned to a job which is on order. Please note that if a customer has been invoiced for too long a period, all types of subscription orders can be credited directly in the window Subscription Orders.

In the following sections, the central concepts in the subscription module will be described in further detail.