Payment Reconciliation

You can calculate the values in the Reconciled, Base and Discount, Base fields by converting the amounts used for the calculation from the currency of the payment to the base currency of the company of the delivery company vendor, or on the vendor entry, using the company specific exchange rate table for the purchase table of the company of the delivery company vendor.

You can calculate the values in the Reconciliation, Enterprise and Discount, Enterprise fields by converting the amounts used for the calculation from the base currency of the company of the delivery company vendor, or on the vendor entry, to the enterprise currency using the enterprise exchange rate table.

When validating output data reconciliation, you can set the reconciliation amount in enterprise currency by converting from the base currency of the company on the vendor entry using the enterprise exchange rate table.

When updating the entries being paid:
  • You can calculate the values in the Total Reconciliation, Base and Total Discount, Base fields on the delivery vendor payment by converting the amounts used for the calculation from the currency of the payment to the base currency of the settling company of the company vendor using the company specific exchange rate table for the purchase table of the settling company of the company vendor.
  • You can set values in the Total Reconciliation, Enterprise, Total Discount, Enterprise, and Exchange Rate Variance Balancing, Enterprise fields on the delivery vendor payment by converting the base currency of the settling company of the company vendor to the enterprise currency using the enterprise exchange rate table.