Prepare Subscription Invoicing Tab

This section describes the fields and actions on the Prepare Subscription Invoicing tab of the Subscription Invoicing workspace.

Selection Criteria Panel

Use the available criteria to filter the subscription orders to be prepared for invoicing that Maconomy displays. The application filters the subscription orders as soon as you change any of the criteria fields.

Field Description
Subscrip. Order No. Select the appropriate subscription order number range. Only subscriptions within the specified range are included in the preparation for invoicing.
Subscription No. Select the appropriate subscription number range. Only subscriptions with the subscription numbers within the specified range are included in the preparation for invoicing.
Invoice Date Click the calendar icons to select a range of invoice dates. Only subscriptions with the next invoice date within the specified range are included in the preparation for invoicing.
Customer No. Select the appropriate customer number range. Only subscriptions with a customer number within the specified range are included in the preparation for invoicing. The preparation does not include blocked customers.
Bill to Customer No. Select the appropriate bill-to customer number range. Only subscriptions to be paid by customers within the specified range are included in the preparation for invoicing.
Company No. Select the appropriate company number range. Only subscription orders that companies within the specified range are responsible for are included in the preparation for invoicing.
Field Description
Show Lines Toggle on/off to show/hide the lines matching the values specified in your selection criteria.
Selected for Invoicing Select this checkbox to prepare the subscription order for invoicing when you use the Prepare for Invoicing action button.
Subscrip. Order No. This field displays the subscription order number.
Subscription No. This field displays the subscription number.
Bill to Customer No. This field displays the name of the bill-to customer to whom the payment information for the subscription order is addressed.
Quantity This field displays the quantity of the subscription order line.
Time Unit This field displays the time unit used for the entered unit price.
Unit Price This field displays the price per unit of the current subscription order line.
Extend Price Copy to come.
Adjusted Unit Price Copy to come.
Invoicing Method Copy to come.
Invoicing Start Date Copy to come.
Invoicing End Date Copy to come.
Next Invoicing Date Copy to come.
Invoiced Until This field displays the last date of the period covered by the latest invoicing.

Table Actions

Button Description
Mark All for Invoicing Click this action button to select all the lines in the table for invoicing.
Unmark All Click this action button unselect all marked lines in the table.
Prepare for Invoicing Click this action button to prepare all the selected lines for invoicing. The Select for Invoicing checkbox should be selected for every line that needs to be prepared for invoicing.