Calculate Base Salary Rates by Contact Person

Use these steps to calculate base salary rates by contact person.

Prerequisite: Complete the Calculate Base Salary Rate to Use in Payroll Systems procedure.

To calculate gross pay by contact person:

  1. Click on the Base Salary Rates tab to see details by contact person.
  2. Review information on the Base Salary Rate Header and Base Salary Rate Line sub-tabs and make adjustments as needed.

    For example, if the base salary must be adjusted for this calculation, update the Base Salary field. You can recalculate the results if needed for the chosen employee.

  3. Go to the Calculate Base Salary Rate tab, and click .
    Note: For gross pay calculations, you can only have one approved calculation change for the same period. For base salary rate calculations, you can have multiple approved calculations in the same period, but the employee base salary rate will be the result of the latest calculation.

    For both gross pay and base salary rate calculations, you can only have one unapproved calculation for the same models and companies.

    The approval updates information on the Base Salary Rates tab, as well as in the related Employee workspace, and Employee Revisions.