Contact Persons Table

This section describes the fields and actions on the Contact Persons table of the Opportunities workspace.

Table Fields

Field Description
Contact Person No. This field displays the number associated to the contact person for the current opportunity.

If you are adding a new contact person, select the number associated to your contact person from the dropdown list. If you select a contact person number, Maconomy auto-populates the Name field.

Name This field displays the name of the contact person for the current opportunity.

If you are adding a new contact person, select the contact person's name from the dropdown list. If you select a contact person, Maconomy auto-populates the Contact Person No. field

Position This field displays a contact person's position.

If you are adding a new contact person, Maconomy auto-populates this field after you save either the contact person's name or identification number.

Phone Number This field displays the phone number of the contact person if it is available.

If you are adding a new contact person, Maconomy auto-populates this field after you save either the contact person's name or identification number.

Email This field displays the email address of the contact person if it is available.

If you are adding a new contact person, Maconomy auto-populates this field after you save either the contact person's name or identification number.

Table Actions

Button Description
+Add Contact Person Click this action to create a new contact person for the current opportunity.
↑ Move up Click this action to move the current line above the previous line in the table.
↓ Move down Click this action to move the current line below the next line in the table.

Click this action to export the rows from the current table to a spreadsheet.

Maconomy exports the table, and immediately downloads the resulting spreadsheet to your local drive.

Click this action to display the filter row on the current table. You can then enter criteria in any of the filter row fields to display only select table rows.

Click this action to maximize the table view.

Click this action to restore the default display size of the table.

Click this action to open the Customize Columns dialog box.

The Row Tools icon allows you to add lines/information to the lines of a record.

For opportunity contact person lines, choose from the following actions:
  • Insert Opportunity Contact Person - Click this action to add a new contact person.
  • Delete Opportunity Contact Person - Click this action to delete a contact person.
  • Revert - This action appears when you are adding a new opportunity contact person and allows you to undo your changes.